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你喜欢这样吗?Are you liking this?

太方了,她不喜欢。Too square for her liking.

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模仿能增加好感么?Does mimicry increase liking?

他们不喜欢电击别人。They weren't liking doing this.

慑影是椚椛费很多的爱好。Photography is an valuable liking.

想要和喜欢是互补的。Wanting and liking are complementary.

过去谁一直说不喜欢你了?Who was talking about not liking you?

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倾向于让别人对自己产生好感。Tends to elicit liking in others. 051.

喜欢一个人可真是闹心啊。Liking a person is very heart wrenching.

喜欢是浅浅的爱,爱却是深深的喜欢。Like is shallow love, love is the deep liking.

米莉和茉莉很快喜欢上了阿尔法。Milly and molly took an immediate liking to Alf.

这个男的假如能看上我就好了。It be to be nice if these man get a liking to me.

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我无法想象任何人喜欢自己被称作怪胎。I can't imagine anyone liking to be called creepy.

看看独眼巨人是否喜爱这个?Let's see if the Cyclops finds this to his liking?

喜欢刺激让牡羊座喜欢探索新领域。Liking excitement push Aries into new territories.

老喜欢起鸡皮疙瘩是什么原因啊?What reason is often liking to remove gooseflesh ?

三年前我喜欢上了集邮.I took a liking to stamp collecting three years ago.

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她特别喜欢那件军绿色的上衣。She has a special liking for that green army jacket.

我喜欢电子琴,也同样喜欢英语。I like electronic organ, also liking English equally.

李维斯其实并不喜欢这些寒冷而潮湿的洞穴。Cold, dank caverns are actually not to Reeves’ liking.