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表演一分钟的特技组合。Perform a minute-long Stunt Combo.

“威亚特技”现在是个很受关注焦点。"Wire stunt" It is a popular focus.

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这天,她每次着地动作都很漂亮。And on this day, she lands every stunt.

目前还不清楚是谁在背后捣鬼。It is unclear who was behind the stunt.

缺乏是武将阻碍儿童的成长。Lack of food will stunt children's growth.

默西迪丝在汤姆的车里演戏,对吗?Mercedes pulled the stunt with Tom's car, right?

这个马戏团的演员完成了一件不可思议的特技。The circus performer pulled an incredible stunt.

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该线采用独有的俩发好声绝伎。Adopted unique cable line two hair sound good stunt.

千万不要再做像放手骑单车那样的危险动作了.Never again pull a stunt like ride a bicycle no hand.

没有人事先知道她在舞台上有那样的惊人之举。No one had prior knowledge of her stunt on the stage.

我的花招为我展示出了欺骗中的扭曲力量。My stunt showed me the disfiguring power of deception.

你没有意识到这会是一个很棒的公关噱头?You didn't realize it was going to be a great PR stunt?

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法希无法想象有人可以冒险表演出这样的特技。Fache could not imagine anyone risking a stunt like this.

上海的城隍庙不过是一个摆设,一个噱头。Shanghai's City God Temple is just a decoration, a stunt.

批语家指出这样的惊人表演是对天主教堂的不敬重。Critics argue this stunt is hostile to the Catholic Church.

中国绝技研究及特技奇技表演专家。China's research and special clever stunt performance experts.

他督促该群立法人士能够回到威斯康辛并宣称这次的联合抵制是场”作秀“。He urged the group to return and called the boycott a "stunt."

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他即使很危险的镜头也很少用替身演员。He seldom uses a stunt man even for some dangerous thins scenes.

这种儿童节食会阻碍身体和脑部的发育。This dieting by children can stunt growth and brain development.

舒适区会让你一直处于安全感之下,限制自己的个人发展。Comfort zones keep you safe and tend to stunt your personal growth.