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水平从枯萎到哮吼。Level from withers to croup.

告诉我老者威瑟斯的事。Tell me about Old Man Withers.

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生命之花永不会凋谢。Life will never be the flower withers.

威瑟斯太愚蠢了,他应该同意那桩买卖。Withers was a fool. He should have sold.

背线自马肩隆到臀部保持水平。The topline is level from the withers to the croup.

背线笔直,位置介于腰和臀部之间。Topline straight and level between withers and croup.

所以金星在温室效应的影响下会逐渐干枯。Hence Venus withers under a runaway greenhouse effect.

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从马肩隆到尾根处平直。The topline is level from the withers to the base of tail.

不论公母,肩高都应该在约10英寸左右。Height at withers for either sex should be about 10 inches.

这些汁水被这样抽出来之后,这棵树就枯萎死亡了。After the juice is thus drawn out, the tree withers and dies.

只有在信仰凋敝的年代,智力才会兴旺发达。Intelligence flourishes only in the ages when belief withers.

威瑟斯突出,以及连接到设置在肩。Withers are prominent and attached to a well set-in shoulder.

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马肩隆明显,是身躯的最高点。Withers pronounced and forming the highest point of the body.

当死神出现时,它会苍白枯萎,碎成泥尘。And when death appears, it and withers and crumbles into dust.

在肩的高度等于在臀部的高度。The height at the withers is equal to the height at the croup.

背部肌肉发达,在马肩隆后没有塌陷,在腰部也没有拱起。Back muscular with no dip behind the withers or roach over the loin.

图中的马被拴在一根低于肩隆的围栏上。This horse is tied to a rail that is below the level of his withers.

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马肩隆后部不能松弛,马肩隆不应该下陷。Behind the shoulders there should be no slackness or dip at the withers.

一起守护不老的神话和传说,永不凋落。Protects not the old myth and the fable together, never withers and falls.

皇太后的花园及行宫是从不曾凋谢的一支带露玫瑰。Empress Dowager of the palace and gardens from the withers not a dewy rose.