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他是一名铁面无私的法官。He is a impartial and incorruptible judge.

他是一名铁面无私的法官。He is an impartial and incorruptible judge.

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清廉的法官是社会的基石。Incorruptible judges are the backbone of the society.

他是一名铁面无私的法官。He is a impartial and incorruptible law-officer. judge.

除了你自己,还有谁能告诉你,你是否纯净?Who but yourself can tell you if you are incorruptible?

肉体会腐败,但精神不腐朽。The body is corruptible but the spirit is incorruptible.

这是一个人廉洁运营商希望是我的梦想。It is a human being incorruptible operators want is my dream.

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除了你自己,还有谁能告诉你,你是否纯净?Who but yourimmolation can tell you if you are incorruptible?

人们普遍认为他是一个廉洁的好法官。He is generally counted as incorruptible good official of the law.

能量束从颤抖着的神殿号过载的发生器冲出。The overcharged energy projector sent a shudder through the Incorruptible.

他进一步说,群众,多数人,会比少数人较不易演变成贪腐。He says furthermore a crowd the many is more incorruptible than the few.

不腐的圣徒要求其肉身仍然是完全灵活的,仿佛他们只是睡着了。Incorruptible saints remain completely flexible, as if they were only sleeping.

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Ritty的廉洁出纳员在这个数据驱动的时代有了了不起的继承者。It is a striking successor of Ritty’s incorruptible cashier for a data-driven age.

不腐的肉身常常被传言有圣洁的味道,散发出甜蜜的香气。Incorruptible bodies are often said to have the Odour of Sanctity, exuding a sweet aroma.

中国人曾塑造了一个“铁面无私”的传奇清官包文正,恰是黑色的脸膛。Bao Wenzheng, a incorruptible judge in Chinese legends and classic opera has a black face.

不,公意总是不变的、不易败的、纯洁的,不过,公意从属于比它优先的其他意志。No, that is always unchanging, incorruptible and pure, but it is subordinated to other wills which prevail over it.

“廉政文化的文化学透视”正是对廉政文化进行理性思考的初步尝试。" Probing Incorruptible Culture through the Science of Culture " is an attempt to think incorruptible culture over rationally.

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温柔安静的灵为不朽坏之妆饰的心中隐藏的人,这在神面前是极有价值的。But the hidden man of the heart in the incorruptible adornment of a meek and quiet spirit, which is very costly in the sight of God.

当一个人从骨子里深深了解什么是对的,并时时身体力行,他便能躲避落入妥协的陷阱--没有人能收买或腐化他。When a man knows deep in has bones what is right, and keeps acting on it, he avoids the trap of compromise-he remains incorruptible.

当一个人从骨子里深深了解什么是对的,并时时身体力行,他便能免于落入妥协的陷阱-没有人能收买或腐化他。When a man knows deep in his bones what is right, and keeps acting on it, he avoids the trap of compromise-he remains incorruptible.