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如此爱你,以至于不能自拔!So love you , that I Can't pullout !

迈克尔Oquendo说,撤军是一个坏主意。Michael Oquendo says the pullout is a bad idea.

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出色的平衡性能的终端撤军和耐冲击性。Excellent balance of properties between terminal pullout and impact resistance.

最近出版的吉尼斯记录还有四页附录即世界上最粗俗记录。The latest edition also has a four-page pullout of the world's grossest records.

美军指挥官称,尽管近期暴力事件增多,但撤军将继续进行。Commanders in Iraq say their pullout will proceed, despite recent violence. The U.

配有地图和彩照,每年更新,全面的预算指南。The guide for all budgets, updated every year, with a pullout map and colour photos.

由于受适当之围束,所有试体均以拉拔形式破坏。Due to proper confinement, the failure mode for most of the specimens was pullout mode.

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但拒绝订定开始撤离的日期,令总统与他的幕僚感到失望。To set a date for the pullout to start, which disappointed the President and his staff.

堪培拉暗示,一旦完成从伊拉克的撤军,澳大利亚有可能增兵阿富汗。Canberra has hinted that it may boost its troop numbers there once the Iraq pullout is complete.

如果再让我我来做这步工作的话,我会随机的挑选出40个字段并逐一进行检查。If I were doing this again, I’d randomly pullout about 40 fields and go one-by-one through them.

谷歌的离开将令中国网民失去了一个好的选择。A pullout by Google would strip Chinese Internet users of a good alternative, the executive said.

同时观察椎弓根螺钉拔出时椎弓根和椎体损伤情况。At the same time, injuries to pedicle and vertebra caused by pullout of pedicle screw were observed.

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拉夫罗夫星期六在莫斯科告诉记者说,是否撤军应视这一地区的安全局势而定。Lavrov told reporters in Moscow today the pullout is contingent on the security situation in the region.

在首都喀布尔,一位名叫阿德拜尔的阿富汗人说,他不希望看到外国驻军一下子都撤出。Mirwais Adebyar in Kabul says that he does not want a complete pullout of the foreign troops at this moment.

根据试验结果分析了桶形基础抗拔承载力的作用机理。The mechanism of pullout bearing capacity of bucket foundation is analyzed based on the experimental results.

为了估计混凝土抗压强度,抗拔力锚固系统出现故障时,测量。To estimate the concrete compressive strength, the Pullout force when the anchorage system fails is measured.

目前,国内外对于加筋土的界面特性试验仍然以直剪试验与拉拔试验为主。Recently, the main tests for the interface characteristics of reinforced soil are pullout test and shear test.

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另外,缝合锚钉保证了用这种方法修复的效果。Additionally, the pullout strength of suture anchors warrants consideration of this technique in these repairs.

穿上直接从干衣机里拿出的衣服——干衣机嗡嗡作响之后,你拿出衣服穿上。Putting On ClothesStraight from the Dryer – As soon as the dryer buzzes, you pullout your clothes and put them on.

玻璃纤维增强木塑复合材料的主要破坏模式为玻璃纤维的拔出、玻璃纤维断裂、界面脱粘等。The main fracture modes of RWPHC included pullout of glass fiber, broken of glass fiber and interfacial debonding.