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你知道五项全能比赛包括哪五个项目吗?Do you know which five items pentathlon included?

现代五项在1912年被列为奥运会项目。Modern pentathlon became an Olympic event in 1912.

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这就是传说中现代五项全能运动的起源。So, legend has it, was born the modern pentathlon.

现代五项全能被加入到奥运会设项之中。The modern pentathlon was added to the Olympic program.

现代五项是何时成为奥运会比赛项目的?When was modern pentathlon introduced to the Olympic Games?

但现代五项出现这种问题的概率尤其高。But the incidence is especially high in case of modern pentathlon.

你的生命也是有五个目的的五项全能赛,你必须保持均衡。Your life is a pentathlon of five purposes, which you must keep in balance.

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古代的五项运动是用来展现早期希腊士兵的优秀技能。The ancient pentathlon was made the early Greeks to show all the skills a soldier of that time.

拉斯-霍尔,一位来自瑞典的木匠,成为了首位在现代五项中获胜的非军人选手。Lars Hall, a carpenter from Sweden, became the first nonmilitary winner of the modern pentathlon.

运动会的比赛项目比现在少得多,只有赛跑、摔跤、赛马和五项全能。The sports events were much less than now --- only racing, wrestling, horse-racing and pentathlon.

早在公元前708年第18届古代奥运会上,五项全能比赛中的“投盘”指的就是掷铁饼。As early as 708 BC when the 18th ancient Athens Olympic Games were held, the pentathlon included discus throwing.

过去,现代五项分几天举行,但自从容不迫1996年亚特兰大奥运会以来,这项比赛缩短在一天内完成。Modern pentathlon used to be held over several days, but it's been compressed into a single day since Atlanta 1996.

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残奥会田径比赛项目包括径赛、田赛、马拉松和五项全能四大类。The competition programme includes Track and Field events, Throwing and Jumping events, the Marathon and Pentathlon.

他泅渡过急流,终于将消息送到目的地,这就是传说中的现代五项全能运动的起源。He swam across a raging river, and then finally he delivered the message. So, legend has it, was born the modern pentathlon.

采用数码摄影研究方法,对比分析现代五项越野赛中上坡跑和台阶跑技巧。Applying the method of taking pictures, this essay analyses the running skills in cross country running in modern pentathlon.

1992年夏季残奥会上,她一人斩获4枚金牌,1996年残奥会,她获得铅球银牌和马拉松金牌。She won four gold medals in the 1992 summer Paralympics. In the 1996 Paralympics she won silver in the shot put and gold in the Pentathlon.

现代五项全能运动包括射击,击剑,200米自由泳,马术和3000米越野跑,都在一天内进行比赛.The modern pentathlon involves pistol shooting, épée fencing, 200m freestyle swimming, show jumping, and a 3km cross-country run, all conducted on the same day.

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他是美国最棒的橄榄球球员,然后,他将目标转向斯德哥尔摩奥运会,并获得初次设立的十项全能和五项全能冠军。He was the nation's best football player, then, turning his attention to the Stockholm Olympic Games, won gold medals in the first Olympic decathlon and pentathlon.

起源于古代人类用长矛猎取野兽的活动,后长矛又发展成为作战的兵器。公元前708年被列为第18届古代奥运会五项全能之一。Originated in ancient human beast with spears hunting activities, and after the spears into combat weapons. 2070, 708 were classified as the 18th session of the ancient Olympic Games pentathlon.