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关于什么,典型的问题In what? Normally.

他通常都熬夜。He normally stays up late.

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那你平时都画些什么呀?What do you normally paint?

他们大都很差劲。They're normally pretty crap.

这正是您希望看到的。This is normally what you want.

我们通常开车到圣地亚哥。We normally drive to San Diego.

世博会一般不赚钱。Expos don't normally make money.

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我们通常天生远视。We are normally born farsighted.

他不能正常地爱女孩子。He could not love girls normally.

通常我周六晚起。I normally get up late on Saturday.

他们通常不佩带手枪。They donot normally carry firearms.

通常有一个狼爪。Single dewclaws are normally present.

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图说,网站现在已经恢复正常了。Tew said the site now works normally.

常人的胰脏会分泌胰岛素Your pancreas normally makes insulin.

无论如何,午餐通常是便餐。Lunch is normally a light meal anyway.

病人开始正?粑?。The patient began to breathe normally.

病人开始正常呼吸了。The patient began to breathe normally.

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这种病通常持续一周左右。The illness normally lasts about a wek.

他正常呼气和吸气。He began to breathe in and out normally.

学生正常情况下看不见的东西。Things that students normally can't see.