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提里奥和阿尔顿都微笑着看她离开。Both Tirion and Arden smiled as she left.

该片发行方为银幕珍宝,导演为涅尔斯·阿登·欧普勒夫。Niels Arden Oplev directs the Screen Gems release.

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阿尔顿抬起胳膊,抓住他朋友的手。Arden reached up and took hold of his friend's hand.

雅顿的黄金导航眼胶。很管用。值得试试。Arden Eye Gel gold navigation. Very useful. Should try.

是的,和雅顿也提到这是一个“散热器的数字”。Yes, and Arden also refers to it as a "radiator figure".

谢谢联络伊丽莎白雅顿。我们总是高兴地聆听我们的消费者。Thank you for contacting Elizabeth Arden. We are always pleased to hear from our consumers.

奥尔登现在14岁,她和妈妈讨论过青春期、健康的恋爱关系以及节育的问题。Arden is now 14, and the two have discussed puberty, healthy relationships and birth control.

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所以呢?哦!你看!克莉丝汀·迪奥的领巾、亚曼尼和香奈儿的香水、雅顿和兰黛的化妆品!So? Ooh! Look! Christian Dior scarves. Armani and Chanel perfume. Arden and Lauder cosmetics!

再说到艺术世俗主义者,他们说白宫不应该涉及宗教。And speaking in turn to the arden secularists to say religion should have no part in the White House.

比多么多人都引荐我雅顿的绿茶,但绿茶的滋味我就受不了。How many people have introduced me to more than Arden green tea, but I can not stand the taste of green tea.

雅顿女士所在的研究组试图找出智力、基因和健康之间的关联。Ms Arden is one of a group of researchers looking into the connections between intelligence, genetics and health.

定价为雅顿A型欧塞尔补发没有提到,但不惜一切代价转售价值应该仍然很高。Pricing for the Arden A-Type AJ reissue was not mentioned, but whatever the cost resale value should remain high.

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还有就是雅诗兰黛和雅顿的保湿眼霜也还不错,不过雅顿的价钱会好一点。There is a moisturizing eye cream Estee Lauder and Elizabeth Arden is also good, but the price of Arden will be better.

该工厂主要生产修整工具产品,被广泛应用于航空、汽车和轴承领域。The Arden plant at 65 Beale Road makes abrasive products called dressing tools that are used in the aerospace, automotive and bearing markets.

当德国调谐器雅顿揭示了限量版雅顿A型欧塞尔在1999年的法兰克福汽车展,我们的反应是正面的。When German tuners Arden revealed the limited edition Arden A-Type AJ at the 1999 Frankfurt Motor Show, the response was overwhelmingly positive.

莎士比亚作品权威出版商“亚顿”将于本月22日出版该剧作,这为诺丁汉大学布里恩•哈蒙德教授有关这一问题之说法增加了筹码。Adding weight to the claim of Professor Brean Hammond of Nottingham University is the fact that the respected Arden Shakespeare publishers will release it in print on March 22.

我们都留意到一些抗皱面霜中含有胆固醇,包括欧莱雅,多芬和伊丽莎白雅顿等有名的品牌。We can't help but notice that there isn't even a fancy sounding name to disguise the use of cholesterol in these anti-aging creams, including L'Oreal, Dove and Elizabeth Arden.

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一些顾客会担心如果点击了相关的商品将不能回到他们正在看的商品页面。Some customers will be conditioned to not click on related items for fear of losing their place on the page they’re viewing. Arden B shows the same cross-sells in the cart summary page

经过合理理解的多元主义允许那些人,那些世俗主义者和保守的基督徒们,完全保持着他们的身份生活并邀请他们,与具有不同身份的人们相连并一同工作。Again, pluralism properly understood allows those people arden secularists and conservative Christians to live fully in their identity and invites them to bridge and work with people from different identities.