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萧萧雨更寒。Colder's the weeping rain.

那就意味着织女正在哭泣。It means that Zhinu is weeping.

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哦是谁坐在墓边顷泣。Oh who sits weeping on my grave.

由于恐惧,她停止了哭泣。The shock made her cease weeping.

折翼之鸟,羡慕,哭泣。Flightless bird, jealous, weeping.

再跟著下来就是号哭。Weeping and wailing should follow.

垂柳在风中摇摆。Weeping willows swing in the wind.

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难道你没听到妈妈们在泣血?Don't you hear the mothers weeping?

今我来兮,杨柳依依。I'm coming now with willow weeping.

为什么叫哭啼的柳树?Why do we call them weeping willows?

痛哭的大地垂泪的海岸?。The crying Earth, the weeping shores?

哭泣的地球和悲凄的海岸?。This crying Earth its weeping shores?

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一个哭泣的妇女蜷伏在地上发抖。A weeping woman cowered on the ground.

她用手帕捂着脸哭泣。She was weeping into her handkerchief.

痛哭的大地、垂泪的海岸?This crying Earth this weeping shores?

但是他们是否在播种时悲伤哭泣呢?But do they go out weeping as they sow?

哈薛说,我主为什么哭。Why is my lord weeping? ' asked Hazael.

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他喝多了就哭鼻子。After a few more cups, he begins weeping.

经过流泪谷,我们抵达锡安。By the valley of weeping we come to Zion.

你报答她,哭得天昏地暗。You thanked her by weeping your eyes out.