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云凝结成雨。Clouds distil rain.

你可以用蒸馏法从海水中提取淡水。You can distil fresh water from the sea.

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这一点开始在玛莉莎心中产生一种恐惧感。This began to distil a sense of fear in Marissa.

云彩将雨落下,沛然降与世人。Which the clouds do drop and distil upon man abundantly.

作家努力把他的想法浓缩成一篇简练的文章。The writer managed to distil his ideas into one succinct article.

作家努力把他的想法浓缩成一篇简练的文章。The writer managed to distil his ideas into one succinct article.

它都由中国饭甑为主体而演变成中国酒甑。Chinese liquor distil derives from the main body of Chinese rice steamer.

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白酒蒸馏器是研究我国起源的重要实物证据之一。Liquor distil is one of the substantial evidences in origin investigation.

相反,它们把巴勒斯坦人的流亡经历浓缩成一些真实的画面。Instead they distil the Palestinian experience of exile into something real.

沼泽地的水不能饮用,但是可以将它蒸馏净化。You can't actually drink the water from the marshland. But you can distil it.

结交智能之士如同读一本好书,从中萃取最精华的智慧。Such ministering spirits distil the best books and serve up the quintessence of wisdom.

从原则上讲,文章的实验也可以容易地应用于任意两量子比特部分混合态的纠缠蒸馏。In principle, our set-up can be easily applied to distil entanglement from arbitrary two-qubit partially mixed states.

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他们代表了关键的见解,提炼学习,并找出了关键领域的旅游发展计划,必须正视的。They represent the key insights that distil the learning and identify the key areas that the tourism plan must address.

其处理方法可以用中国决策者喜欢用的思想提炼总结为四字短语。Its approach was summed up in the pithy four-character phrases into which Chinese policymakers love to distil their thinking.

他对语言有着诗人般的敏感,对戏剧节律有一种近乎完美的感觉,并能提炼出日常生活中的紧张冲突。He had a poet's ear for language, an almost flawless sense of dramatic rhythm and the ability to distil the conflicts of daily life.

我们仅需要用我们的宪法把它加以过滤,只需要把它放在批判的文火上烘烤,把其中的外国气体蒸馏掉。We have only to filter it through our constitutions, only to put it over a slow fire of criticism and distil away its foreign gases.

失恋如同面粉的发酵,只是让蒸出的馍馍更好松软更可口。Is lovelorn is similar to the bread flour the fermentation, only is the steamed bun which lets distil off better soft is more delicious.

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与原来的提炼新闻不同,现在的社交媒体提供了更多的新闻原料,这既是部分替代了新闻记者的工作,同时也提高了对需要他们来保证信息准确的工作需求。By providing more raw material than ever from which to distil the news, social media have both done away with editors and shown up the need for them

尝试一下用各种材料来提炼精油。它们提炼后的气味经常与提炼之前不同,并且有一些精油更容易用这种方法提炼。Try a variety of materials to extract the oils. They will not always smell the same after extraction as before, as some oils are easier to distil this way.

IPCC的任务是向决策者们提供简单精炼的科学答案,但也许太受决策者们非即白世界观的影响了。The IPCC exists to distil science to answer policy makers' questions. But it is perhaps too often influenced by policy makers' black-and-white view of the world.