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她觉察到他正在放弃求生。She sensed he was giving up.

大家都觉出他变了。Everybody sensed that he had changed.

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迈克尔感觉到他的时日已不多。Michael sensed his days were numbered.

和声可以通过耳朵感知到。Harmony can be sensed through the ears.

但是吉吉却感觉到了危险的存在。But ChiChi had sensed danger nonetheless.

我在非洲采访他时就感觉到了这一点。I sensed that when I was with him in Africa.

她充分感到她处境的危险。She fully sensed the danger of her position.

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它感觉到了我的不开心,开始发出呜呜声。He sensed my unhappiness and started whining.

我感觉到摄影机转向天空。I sensed the camera angling up toward the sky.

一只小羊在啮草时猛然感到的多汁。A grazing lamb sensed it in terms of juiciness.

但在这次奥运会,我感到了些许不同。But at the Olympics I sensed something different.

这种现场感是十分普遍的。This feeling of sensed presence is rather common.

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可能这个荷官感到了什么事有点不对头。Maybe the man sensed that something was not right.

我认为他觉察出来,因为他开始讲话。I guess he sensed that, because he started to talk.

我意识到这是一支小夜曲——一支苏格兰小夜曲。I sensed this to be a serenade—a Scottish serenade.

我感觉到,他即将结束他贪婪的注视。I sensed that he was coming to the end of his gloat.

可能是感觉到没有危险,它又急急地跑回蹲踞之处。May be sensed without danger, it hastily back squat.

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那年奶奶88岁,她感觉到时间的宝贵。At age 88, Grannie sensed that time was of the essence.

当然,他感觉到了基督徒和犹太教徒的反对。Certainly, he sensed rejection from Christians and Jews.

“你看,我只是感觉那球有了,”他说道。"You know, I just sensed that was the dagger, " he said.