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务请多待一会儿。Do stay a while.

你这张快嘴!You while big mouth!

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至少是暂时的犯傻。For a while at least.

痛苦也不哭泣。No cry while paining.

翻炒一会儿。Stir-fry for a while.

等一下再吃。Wait a litttle while.

而无论我们奔往哪里。While wherever we fly.

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当我怒吼的时候,请原谅我。Excuse me while I rant.

这种伤需要一段时间。This one takes a while.

我们要离开一会儿。We are off for a while.

该策略在一段时间起了作用。It did work for a while.

在我炸鸡肉的时候。While I fry the chicken.

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熨衣服时要小心。Be careful while ironing.

让我在能幻想的时候尽情幻想吧。Let me fancy while I may.

他吃饭时我们等着。We waited while he dined.

他在吃饭,我们等他。We waited while he dined.

当载入一针的时候?。While loading a Stitcher?

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喝酒为什么要碰杯?Why clink while drinking?

我念的时候请记下来。Please write while I read.

如此靠近却又如此遥远。So close while so faraway.