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他继承了一个组织,或者不如说一大堆组织。He had inherited an organization , or rather a congeries of organizations.

聚酯切片中的凝结粒子通常是由二氧化钛粒子无规则的团聚而成。The conjugated grains in PET chips are formed of TiO 2 congeries particles.

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我不恐惧事实真相。我欢迎事实但是一堆事实不等同一个主意。I'm not afraid of facts, I welcome facts but a congeries of facts is not equivalent to an idea.

通过分析,聚集采取的是左手螺旋的H-聚集形式存在。In solid films, it was concluded that they congregated to H-type congeries with left-handed helix.

它甚至不再是人类尺度上的大脑了,而已经分布在他全身的聚集节点中。It was not even a brain of human dimensions anymore, but had spread in nodal congeries throughout his body.

无钠碱源形成分立的纳米沸石胶体,有钠碱源形成聚集态纳米沸石。The alkali without natrium synthesizes separate n amizeolite colloid and the alkali with natrium forms the congeries.

最后,本文分析了北京、天津、上海三地的物流投资吸引力及聚集特性。At last, this paper analyses investment attraction and congeries characteristic of logistics industry of Beijing, Tianjin and Shanghai.

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主要集中在以明胶膜和醋酸纤维素为载体的固定化脲酶及无载体的交联脲酶聚集体固定化脲酶。Concentrate on glutin and cellulose acetate as carrier to immobilization and cross-linked urease congeries to immobilization, which have no carrier.

这些巨厚松散堆积体成因类型复杂,时空分布特征具有特殊规律,受地质、地貌、气候环境控制明显。The huge-thick loose congeries has complex genetic types and specific regulations of spatiotemporal distribution, closely controlled by the outer environment of the region.

如果承认这个假定,则上帝与世界合而为一,是不啻将上帝纯然有限化了,贬低成为一个仅属有限的存在之外在的复合体了。If this assumption be admitted, of course a union of God with the world renders God completely finite, and degrades Him to the bare finite and adventitious congeries of existence.

这个国际体系是由许多公私组织叠床架屋而成,缺少清楚的任命,也没有简易的合作方式,或一个可协调活动的「指挥」。The international system is a congeries of overlapping public and private institutions without clear mandates, ease of coordination or a single "conductor" to harmonize activities.