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放弃你的偏见。Discard your prejudices.

扔掉电磁铁。Discard the electromagnet.

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取出月桂叶,并丢弃。Remove and discard the bay leaf.

封口,扔掉金属箔。Seal seam and ends. Discard foil.

把橙皮取出,扔掉。Remove the orange zest, and discard.

抛弃舛误的观念。We should discard erroneous concepts.

我可以摒弃那些不合时宜的。I can discard that which is unfitting.

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不要随意丢弃饮料罐。Don't discard the drink cans carelessly.

这种顽固分子会被历史所抛弃。Such die-hards will be discard by history.

去掉肉桂,百里香和月桂树叶。Discard the cinnamon, thyme and bay leaves.

丢弃你的羞怯,大胆地爱抚我。Discard your pudency, fondle me audaciously.

你必须丢弃一切解散军队的动机。You have to discard any thoughts of disbanding.

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你必须丢弃一切解散军队的念头。You have to discard any thoughts of disbanding.

去掉熏肉的外皮,再把每一片熏肉切成两半。Discard the bacon rind and cut each rasher in half.

引擎会忽略所有的回溯位置。The engine will discard all backtracking positions.

请丢失内附的保鲜袋。Please discard the inedible freshness packet enclosed.

弃置胀罐或渗漏的罐头。Discard cans that bulge at the ends or that are leaking.

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庄家有可能也放弃从他的2手牌。The dealer may also discard up to 2 cards from his hand.

只吸取对你有用的部分,抛弃其余的信息。Take the information that you can use and discard the rest.

在废弃的牲口棚中有一堆干草和一个漏的水桶。There is a stack of hay a leaky barrel in the discard barn.