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添加换行符是为了增加可读性。Line breaks added for readability.

多用缩进来提高语句的可读性。Indents are used to enhance readability.

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可读性和易读性经常被混淆。Readability and legibility are often confused.

避免使用GOTO语句来改善可读性Avoid using GOTO statement to improve readability.

拥抱简洁,但不要牺牲可读性。Embrace brevity, but do not sacrifice readability.

它也可以改善测试用例的可读性。It can also improve the readability of test cases.

如何使你的内容的可读性做到最好?How can you achive best readability of your content?

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通常,这是以可读性为代价的。Usually, this is done at the expense of readability.

代码可读性总是我的痛处。Code readability has always been a sore point for me.

众所周知,简洁和可读性都好。It is a truism that both brevity and readability are good.

这些特性都有助于加快开发和提高可读性。These are helpful for speed of development and readability.

韦利在翻译该书时更加关注译文的可读性,而非忠实程度。Waley was much more interested in readability than fidelity.

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许多情况下,这改善了封装和可读性。This improves both encapsulation and readability in many cases.

不行,这会损害代码的可读性和抽象层。Not without harming the code's readability and abstraction level.

付出的代价您也看到了,就是丧失了一些易读性。The tradeoff, as you can see, is it loses some of its readability.

利用排版来增加易读性也很重要。It’s important to use formatting to help with readability. That means

可读性,是提高,改善视觉效果的文字。Readability is enhanced by improving the visual presentation of text.

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字母词对汉语新闻语言的易读性有何影响?。How do letter words influence the readability of Chinese news language?

那么,你该如何书写恰当的关键词以保证不影响可读性呢?But how do you write keyword-rich copy without compromising readability?

例如,在标题上应用边框样式有助于提高可读性。For example, applying a border style to a heading could help readability.