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他必须支付100英镑的赔偿。He have to pay an indemnity of£100.

他们在事故后向受害者付了赔偿金。They paid an indemnity to the victim after the accident.

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舒之其弥六合,卷之不盈一握。Shu of its indemnity Liuhe, a volume of the non-profit grip.

应当承担对受害配偶的连带损害赔偿责任。He should undertake the duty of indemnity to the right spouse.

政治流放犯没有得到免予起诉的保护。Political exiles had not been given indemnity from prosecution.

应当承担对受害配偶的连带损害赔偿责任。He should to undertake the duty of indemnity to the right spouse.

本法不削弱任何基于现行法的追偿权。This Act does not impair any right of indemnity under existing law.

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根据这项条约,他们应赔款六千万英镑。Under this treaty, they were to pay an indemnity of 60 million pounds.

上述的赔偿将根据香港法律诠译,并受香港法律所监管。This indemnity shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of Hong Kong.

传统上对赔偿与补偿的界限的认识,都从违法性开始。Traditionally, the difference between indemnity and compensation begins with the illegality.

采用奖金、补偿金、股票购置权以及其他奖赏等薪资形式的也在增加。Agreement. These indemnities shall be in addition to any other right, indemnity or claim which.

清华大会堂是由美退还局部庚子赔款建成的。Qinghua by the United States returned to the auditorium is part of the Boxer Indemnity completed.

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新婚姻法确立的离婚损害赔偿制度排除了第三者的责任。The indemnity system of divorce established in New Marriage Law expels the third partys liability.

供货商的赔偿义务将在本合约期满之后或终止之后继续存在。The Supplier's indemnity obligations shall survive the expiration or termination of this Agreement.

从20世纪20年代中叶起,由于种种原因,帝国主义列强纷纷退还中国的庚子赔款。From the 1920's on, due to various reasons the imperial countries began to return the Indemnity of 1901.

法律对于免责的问题规定的主要是出于对雇主索赔权利其实在大多数案件中是没有意义——或者至少是意义不大的考虑。But the judgment-proof problem renders the employer's right of indemnity of little or no value in most cases.

海上保险合同属于赔偿合同,要求双方当事人尽到最大善意的义务。Marine insurance contracts are indemnity contracts and require the parties to exercise the utmost good faith.

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而日本凭着中国的巨额赔款,实现了工业化,加速了军国主义的进程。With China and Japan's huge indemnity to achieve industrialization and accelerated the process of militarism.

我们代表保险及再保险公司处理代位索偿、责任及专业弥偿等索偿。We represent insurers and re-insurers to handle subrogated claims, liability and professional indemnity claims.

本保函项下产生的所有争议都提交中国海事法院审理。All disputes arising under and in connection with this indemnity shall be determined by Maritime Court of China.