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你可以尝试着在一段时期内止住你的欲望之流。Try, for a moment, to stanch the flow of desire.

海螵蛸可以入药,用来止血。Cuttlebone can be used as a medicine to stanch bleeding.

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但是,我们不能因为这个而止住我们的站长之梦。But, we cannot because of this stanch the dream of our stationmaster.

美国政府正在采取史无前例的行动来理顺经济。The government is making unprecedented efforts to stanch the bleeding.

如果他们像其他任何人一样,这将会多么压抑支持者的热情?If they behave like everyone else, how much will that stanch the passion of his support?

然而即使是由史迪威亲自指挥,中国军队还是无法阻止日军的攻势。But even Stilwell's personal leadership of that force could not stanch the Japanese tide.

宝宝拉肚子四天,稍稍止住,但肚子很硬胀,怎么办?Darling have loose bowels 4 days, stanch of in a way, but abdomen bilges very forcedly , how to do?

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飞箭在我脸上笔直地犁出了一条伤口,我停止了幻想,遮住眼睛,赶忙去止血。Here I paused in my fiction to shield my eyes and stanch the arrow-straight tracks clawed down my cheek.

阿梅里奥先生设法止住了整合IBM部门的损失,也感谢他同时帮助了全球经济。Mr Amelio did manage to stanch the losses inherited from IBM, thanks in part to the booming world economy.

同时五次中只有一次没有成功,这次事故地点是在乌克兰东北部城市哈尔科夫附近,核爆炸没有成功地遏制住天然气泄漏。And there was only one misfire, near Kharkov, Ukraine, where a nuclear blast was unable to stanch a gas leak.

为了缓和经济上的失血,资本管制甚至旅行限制都是必要的措施。Capital controls and even travel restrictions would be needed to stanch the bleeding of money from the economy.

草泥马的流行提出了一个问题,中国是否真的有能力来控制互联网上的信息传播?The popularity of the grass-mud horse has raised questions about China's ability to stanch the flow of information.

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这个拇指大小的神经元束能认知内在的懦弱,但是随后会转移到平息颤抖的能量。The thumb-size bundle of neurons acknowledges the yellow belly within but then moves to stanch its quivering power.

原来,我只是个感触的人,能够感知到伤口在流血,却不知道该怎么去止血。Today I come to realize that I'm but setimental. I can feel the cut bleeding with clarity, but unaware of how to stanch.

简言之,如果陆军想要止血人材流失,就必须采用企业型架构,而不单只文化。Simply put, if the Army hopes to stanch the talent bleed, it needs to embrace an entrepreneurial structure, not just culture.

但是一种新的、生物可溶解的蛋白质溶剂,可在短短数秒内止血,而且在动物身上持久作用,没有毒性。But a new biodegradable protein solution able to stanch bleeding in mere seconds appears to also be nontoxic and long-lasting in animals.

很多国家已经采取挑衅的方式来试图阻止大量涌入的美元,并且支持摇摇欲坠的工业。Already, scores of nations are taking aggressive measures to try to stanch the flood of incoming dollars and shore up faltering industries.

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取而代之,将衣服布料或者绷带裹住伤口,阻止流血,稳定受伤者情绪,等待进一步救助。Carefully place a cloth or bandage around the object to stanch the bleeding, and keep the person as calm and still as possible until help arrives.

城里的头号杂货店,是个名叫曼宁的开的,他是白兰德的忠实信徒,且以得跟参议员结识为光荣的。The chief grocery of the city was conducted by one Manning , a stanch adherent of Brander, and one who felt honoured by the Senator's acquaintance.

紧要的任务是遏制金融恐慌——只要给政治家们一个表现的机会,现在他们已经明白利害关系,他们能做的更好。The urgent task is to stanch the financial panic—if only to give politicians a chance to show that, now they understand the stakes, they can do better.