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慢慢来。Go slowly.

慢慢来。Start slowly.

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观众们鼓掌的频率放慢了。They clap slowly.

她慢慢地点头。She slowly nodded.

慢生活节奏?living life slowly?

再慢一点。A little more slowly.

他慢慢的站起来。He stands up, slowly.

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抱歉,慢慢说!Is sorry, slowly say!

一轮红日冉冉升起。A red sun slowly rose.

他跑得不慢。He doesn't run slowly.

缓慢曲膝。Slowly bend the knees.

民主制度办起事来,行动缓慢。Democracy moves slowly.

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他走得够慢的了。He walks slowly enough.

香慢慢地燃着。Incense burning slowly.

等等,慢慢说。Wait, and speak slowly.

然后慢慢地往后退。" and back away slowly.

他慢慢地朝她走近。He slowly neared to her.

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他慢慢地摇了摇头。He shook his head slowly.

他慢慢地翻过曲谱。He turns the page slowly.

让肉慢慢地癊。Let the meat cook slowly.