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ρ是密度,对吗?Rho is a density, right?

球半径是ρ相当于。The sphere is rho equals one.

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只需要插入一个等于a的ρYou just plug in a rho equals a.

然后我们加上ρ方向。And then, we'll add the rho direction.

记住ρ是到原点的距离。Remember that rho is the distance from the origin.

除以ρ之后,就能得到单位向量。So, let me divide this by rho to get a unit vector.

ρ表示从原点到该点的距离。And you have rho which is the distance from the origin.

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,总质量是体积,也就是面积乘以长度乘以密度。the total mass is the volume, which is the area times the length times rho.

代入方程中,ρ,所以得到1/2,Alρ,l,and,rho,,so,I,get,one-half,Al,rho,速度的平方加上AρSo I'm going to substitute in there the A, A l G velocity squared plus A rho g.

更大的公司,像Rho和其他的也将宣布会尽快成立新的开发基金。Larger players like Rho and others will all be announcing new funds soon as well.

现在,在这上面的高度,要高一些,所以这里还有一项是hρBut now, there's this additional height g on top of that. So there's also h rho g.

如果我们把l和ρ相乘,这是长度的单位,这是体积的单位。If we multiply l times rho together, this is units of length. This is units of volume.

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我本来可以用ρ来表示,但在这我是想强调,它是一个常数。I could have put a rho but I want to emphasize the fact that here it is going to be a constant.

蛇夫座距离地球只有407光年远,它是距离我们最近的恒星2发源地之一。Only about 407 light years from Earth, Rho Oph is one of the closest star-forming regions to us.

包围着蛇夫ρ恒星系统的星云构成了距离我们最近的恒星形成区之一。The clouds surrounding the star system Rho Ophiuchus compose one of the closest star forming regions.

我已经说过了,如果把ρ设为,就得到一个以原点为球心的球面。a So, as I've said, if I set rho equals a, that will be just a sphere of radius a centered at the origin.

很多时候,如果原点包含在你给定的固体中,那么ρ的值将从0开始,那么要知道什么时候离开。I mean, very often, if the origin is in your solid, then rho will start at zero. Then you want to know when you exit.

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美国宇航局斯皮策天文望远镜拍摄的最新照片显示,新生的“恒星宝贝们”正在蛇夫座星云的暗色尘埃中孕育而生。Newborn stars are surrounded with dust in the Rho Ophiuchi dark cloud, in this new image from the Spitzer Space Telescope.

对携带基因突变的12例RP先证者的46名亲属进一步作分离分析。Additional 46 relatives of 12 RP probands carrying possible mutations in RHO or RP1 were recruited for segregation analysis.

因此,肌浆球蛋白II产生的收缩力对于形成生长锥颈的正常微管束至关重要。These results reveal a role for Rho Kinase and myosin II contractility in regulation of microtubule behavior during neuronal growth.