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囚犯骗过警卫逃跑了。The inmate outwitted his guards and escaped.

你会接到委任状,变成一个同居者。You will Receive a Warrant and Become an Inmate.

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中国不再明文禁止监狱服刑人员同性恋。Chinese prisons scrap ban on inmate homosexuality.

囚犯们每天都要打扫这些卫生间。Inmate work crews clean these bathrooms every day.

另一名囚犯走近,迅速递给他一把尖刀。Another inmate approaches and quickly hands him a shiv.

第二天,在院子里,一个囚犯低着头在电话机旁边。The next day in the yard, an inmate huddles close to the phone.

这个犯人认真的在学骑独轮车在监狱的健身房。An inmate learns to ride a unicycle in the prison gym. Seriously.

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如果犯人没有叠好被子,监狱看守有时就会注意到。The screws occasionally noticed if an inmate didn't make his bed.

Sucre看了看表,牢门徐徐打开,是囚犯点名的时间了。Sucre checks his watch, the doors slide open for the inmate count.

有一个囚犯经过,匆匆地将一张条子扔在Abruzzi坐的床铺上。A passing inmate quickly tosses a note onto the bunk next to Abruzzi.

这儿,一个清秀的女子教练一起和犯人在监狱院子里慢跑。Here, a comely woman coach jogs alongside an inmate in the prison yard.

尽管囚徒订阅了某种期刊,他/她并不一定能收到每一期刊物。While an inmate may have a subscription, not every issue makes it through.

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但是一位狱友说马多夫夫人露丝曾从纽约跋涉500英里前来探监。Madoff, though one inmate says Ruth has made the 500-mile trip from New York.

桌上一个年长的犯人Zach笑着说,“牌没发好,这张牌不算。”Zach, the old inmate at the table, smiles and says, “Misdeal, bury the card.”

乔治亚州一名囚犯在杰克逊县法院的枪击事件中死亡。An inmate has died in Georgia after a shootout in the Jackson County Courthouse.

在狐狸河监狱,西奥多听到一名囚犯说到“被困在消极的思想中。”And in Fox River, T-Bag hears an inmate talk about "the captivity of negativity.

他倾身对一个同桌的貌似粗野的囚犯说,“我需要一块刀片。He leans toward a rough looking inmate eating with him, “I’m gonna need a blade.

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在回复地址栏里,寄信人的名字后面会跟有一串囚徒编号。In the space for the return address, an inmate number follows the writer’s name.

另一个犯人接着继续用一个灭火器砸向玻璃。Another inmate immediately continues to pound the glass with a fire extinguisher.

她告诉他,她接到报告称有一个犯人中暑衰竭,她来检查一下。She tells him that she’s responding to a report that an inmate has heat exhaustion.