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现在外面冷极了。It's freezing outside now.

昨晚天气变得极冷。It was freezing last night.

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冰点以下时水结冰。Water freezes below freezing.

冷冻之前把这汤先凉一下。Cool the soup before freezing it.

那天早晨非常地冷。It was freezing cold that morning.

让我进来!外面冷极了!Let me in! It's freezing out here!

如果是天寒地冻的天气。And for very very freezing cold days.

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防止挂在晾衣绳上的衣服在低气温中结冰Keep clothes from freezing on the line

今天早上冷飕飕。It's a freezing, freezing morning today.

冰冷的雨很快地转变成雪。The freezing rain quickly turned to snow.

冬天里那个冰凌柱哟。And in winter, the ice stick was freezing.

氷冻悳双手敲打著键盘。Freezing both hands is beating a keyboard.

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冬天里金属管道冰冷彻骨。The metal pipe is freezing cold in winter.

另一个除盐化的方法就是冷冻的。Another method of desalinization is freezing.

穿上大衣,外面冷极了。Put your coat on. It's freezing cold outside.

我冷极了。今天比昨天还要冷。I'm freezing. It's even colder than yesterday.

这一地区浓雾和降雪是常事。Freezing fogs and snow are common in this area.

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用凝固点下降法测定了产品的分子量为478。The freezing point has been determined out 478.

他们在颤抖,在雪地里冻结成冰。They were shivering, freezing cold in the snow.

沉寂了片刻之后,学生们爆发出了叹气声。Freezing briefly, the students erupted in moans.