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这是被女人给吃豆腐了?。This drive woman to eat bean curd?

奶豆腐是几天前做的。Milk curd was made several days ago.

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然后用筛子把豆腐过滤一下。Then filter the curd through a sieve.

我吃米饭的时候喜欢加些豆腐乳。I always eat fermented bean curd with rice.

我喜欢大多数的中国菜,但是不喜欢臭豆腐。I like the smelly bean curd there very much.

我想在豆腐里加一点辣椒粉。I'd like to add some pepper to the bean curd.

是的,下一个是蟹黄豆腐。Yes. The next one is bean curd with crab roe.

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腐乳,在我国有悠久的历史。Fermented bean curd has a long history in China.

豆腐看上去洁白无瑕,吃起来鲜嫩无比。The bean curd looks spotlessly white and tender.

此外,用豆腐做成的奶酪蛋糕也是特棒的。Moreover, bean curd cheese cake is also wonderful.

现在我们来学习如何做葡萄干豆腐饼。Now learn how to cook a curd biscuit with raisins.

我想在豆腐里加一点白胡椒。I'd like to add some white pepper to the bean curd.

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本店的当家菜是麻婆豆腐。Ma Po's bean curd is a specialty in our restaurant.

猪血丸子是邵阳的一种特色食品。Blood brean curd ball is a feature food in shaoyang.

解征的凤凰岭豆腐依然大受欢迎。XieZheng's Fenghuangling bean curd is still popular.

我们专门从事豆腐及油豆腐系列产品的制造。We are specialized in bean curd and related products.

豆腐配海带,常吃除病害。Bean curd with kelp, often eat in addition to disease.

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该品种植株生长势强,花球高圆形,洁白,紧实,品质好。Its curd is high round with white, tight and good quality.

妈妈从木盒里取出已经结实的奶豆腐。Mother takes the hardened milk curd out of the wooden box.

啊!外乡人又坐下来,教他们如何做凝乳奶酪。He sat down again, and showed them how to make curd cheese.