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连续时间金融。Continuous-time Finance Merton R. C.

年罗伯特•默顿和迈伦•斯to Robert Merton and Myron Scholes in 1997

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于是默顿做了一个狗伸懒腰的动作,有点像在鞠躬似的。And Merton did this dog stretchy thing where he sort of like bowed.

作者汤玛斯•牟敦说到「没有人目睹复活。Writer Thomas Merton points out that "no one saw the Resurrection."

默顿是系统提出和阐述科学规范的第一人。Merton was the first to formulate the norms of science systematically.

1264年,沃尔特给“默顿的学者们”起草了一个章程。In 1264 Walter drew up statutes for a "house of the scholars of Merton".

11月8日我们开始告诉墨顿的朋友我们开始搬家的计划。November We've started telling friends in Merton that we're planning to move.

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在差不多半个世纪后,默顿看起来还是处于欢乐中毒中。Almost half a century later, Merton still seems just as intoxicated by the joy of it.

然而,当默顿回想起他早年的生活时,阶级是他的经历中确定的主题。When Merton recalls his early life, however, class is the defining theme of his experience.

当他回想起这段对话时,默顿笑了,而且看起来正为自己的轻率而焦虑。Merton is laughing as he recalls the conversation, and seems anxious at first to make light of it.

我怀疑,是莎拉的死亡让默顿给了公众以抑郁,甚至悲惨的印象。I suspect it was her death that contributed to a public impression of Merton as a glum, even tragic soul.

他研究的牛津大学默顿学院现代历史,并已通过联交所考试。He researches modern history in Oxford University Merton College and has already passed the Stock Exchange exams.

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也许莫顿·米勒是对的,这些都是"中性突变",变更股利政策是无意义的Maybe Merton Miller is right-- these things are "neutral mutations" and changes in dividend policy are meaningless.

默顿批评了传统功能主义的不足,提出了所谓价值中立的功能分析模式。Merton criticized the defeats of traditional functionalism , and posed the so-called value-free functional analyzing pattern.

牛津大学默顿学院的历史学家卡尔·格特免不了对此产生了兴趣。It is little wonder, then, that this is attracting the interest of historians like Karl Gerth, a fellow at Merton College, Oxford.

当盖茨比关上“默顿学院图书室”的门时,我可以发誓我听到了那个戴猫头鹰眼镜的人突然发出了鬼似的笑声。As Gatsby closed the door of "the Merton College Library. " I could have sworn I heard the owl-eyed man break into ghostly laughter.

一种对纪律和细节守旧式的在意,让默顿爱上了早期的好莱坞。It was this sort of old-fashioned concern for attention to discipline and detail that made Merton fall in love with early Hollywood.

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我们为即将来到的这个学期寻找寄宿的地方。结果在默顿大街找到一处,那是靠近网球场的一所僻静而又昂贵的小房子。We looked for lodgings for the coming term and found them in Merton Street, a secluded, expensive little house near the tennis court.

就如同莫顿和其他学者像我们展示的那样,思想和观念,甚至思维,都因它们所处的社会和历史环境而日趋成熟。Ideas and concepts, even paradigms, come to fruition because of their social and historical milieu, as Merton and others have so aptly shown.

贝尔纳与默顿被同时尊称为科学社会学的奠基者,他们开创了科学社会研究的两种进路。Bernal and Merton are known as the founder of the Sociology of Science at the same time, and they created two routes of science and social studies.