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但是有点吹毛求疵了。But it is churlish to carp.

池子里的红鲤鱼泼剌一响。A carp splashed in the pond.

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我建议来一道鲫鱼汤。May I suggest a gold carp soup?

但谁给这条鲤鱼扮演验尸官的角色呢?But who plays coroner to a carp?

它是一条芬恩先生养的大鲤鱼。It was one of Mr. Fenn's big carp.

他们重新给池塘放了鲤鱼。They restocked the pond with carp.

如何养鲤鱼和鲫鱼最好?How to raise carp and crucian best?

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亚洲鲤鱼尤其危险。Asian carp are particularly dangerous.

只见鲤鱼的脸变得慌张起来。I saw a carp up face became flustered.

也许你会喜欢鲫鱼汤。Perhaps you might like a silver carp soup.

矢车菊、尿囊素、角鲨鲩。Cornflower, allantoin, Kok shark grass carp.

草鱼煮熟即可,时间不要长。Don't boil the grass carp for too long time.

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切勿进食生或未经彻底煮熟的鲩鱼。Do not consume raw or undercooked grass carp.

红烧鲤鱼和鲜蘑油菜。B Red cooked carp and rape with fresh mushrooms.

先生,这是您点的清煎鲤鱼以及烤牛肉。Here are the Fried Carp and the Roast beef, sir.

一尾金色鲤鱼在荷花间嬉戏。One of the golden carp darted from lily to lily.

鲤鱼是受养鱼场欢迎的一个选择。Common carp are a popular choice for a fish farm.

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池塘里混养着金鱼和鲤鱼。The pond contains a mixture of goldfish and carp.

密歇根湖还尚未发现亚洲鲤鱼的踪迹。No Asian carp have yet been found in Lake Michigan.

预处理对白鲢鱼肉蛋白质酶水解有影响。Pretreatment affected the hydrolysis of Silver carp.