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为什么有些人要把自己受到的挫折发泄到毫无防备的孩子身上?Why take their frustrations on defenseless children?

在水井旁,他再一次保护无助者。There at the well, again he acts to defend the defenseless.

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圣经充满这样的命令,命令我们去维护无助者。The Bible is filled with commands to defend the defenseless.

无论何时,大多数贫困人口总是最没有防御能力的。As is always the case, the most poor are the most defenseless.

炸弹、葡萄弹和炮弹一起向这座不设防的城市倾泻。Bombs, grapeshot and cannonballs rained upon the defenseless town.

又一次体现了摩西性格特点,保护无助者。So again, this is a key to Moses' character, aiding the defenseless.

但作为真正的玩家,捕鸟人可不想猎杀毫无防备的鸟儿。But being true sportsmen, they didn't want to kill a defenseless bird.

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他的火箭弹和炮弹雨点般得打向艾季达比耶手无寸铁的平民。His rockets and shells rained down on defenseless civilians in Ajdabiya.

有时候你有机会攻击一个完全无防备的敌人。Sometimes, you have the opportunity to attack a foe who is completely defenseless.

人体在没有这些记忆细胞的情况下是无法应付二次感染的。Farrar said. "Without these memory cells, your body is defenseless against re-infections."

就像操场上某个调皮小鬼为了保护心目中那个手无寸铁的”小孩子“一样,于是他去咬人。He bit like a playground runt to protect the defenseless little person he thought himself to be.

恐怖主义是把平民当作平民来攻击,不可避免造成恐慌与毫无防备。Terrorism is aggression against civilians as civilians, inevitably taken by surprise and defenseless.

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斯尼维亚人被长期奴役,萨拉西亚奴隶主们对这些手无寸铁的人民敲骨吸髓。Snivvians have long been subjected to slavery, as Thalassian slavers prey upon the defenseless people.

在人权观察工作的安妮可说面对叛军,平民几乎是毫无防御能力的。Anneke van Woudenberg, who works with Human Rights Watch, she said civilians were left almost defenseless.

“对初生婴儿过量的毫不在乎的辐射,”Sclafani医生说,又接着说,“这些可怜的毫无防护能力的婴儿。”“Full, unabashed, total irradiation of a neonate,” Dr. Sclafani said, adding, “This poor, defenseless baby.

“对初生婴儿过量的毫不在乎的辐射,”Sclafani医生说,又接着说,“这些可怜的毫无防护能力的婴儿。”“Full, unabashed, total irradiation of a neonate, ” Dr. Sclafani said, adding, “This poor, defenseless baby.”

路上穿过山地和沙漠,这样的地理环境使得这里经常有匪徒抢劫毫无抵抗力的旅者。The road ran through rocky, desert country, which provided places for robbers to attack defenseless travelers.

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艾滋病毒侵入免疫细胞并将其毁灭,使人类对疾病毫无抵抗力。Viruses such as AIDS take over and destroy the immune cells, leaving people defenseless against other diseases.

这些会弄断动物的骨头或神经,导致他们抽搐,但并不会导致他们立即死亡。This mangles their bones and sends these defenseless creatures into convulsions, but rarely causes immediate death.

然而,上世纪五十年代的植物育种家也干过这事儿,他们把棉子酚去除了,结果昆虫就会把毫无防护能力的棉花啃个干净。But get rid of all the gossypol, as plant breeders did in the 1950s, and insects will devour the defenseless cotton.