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酗酒是一种病。Alcoholism is a disease.

1970年多萝西的儿子鲍勃死于酒精中毒In 1970 Dorothy's son Bob died of alcoholism

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我陪伴锐利进行了酒精治疗。I went through alcoholism treatment with Rielly.

我和里利一起,肩并肩,终于挺过了酗酒治疗。I went through alcoholism treatment with Rielly.

酗酒问题在乌兰巴托的穷困和失业人口中猖獗泛滥。Alcoholism is rampant among UB's poor and unemployed.

工作狂真的是一种疾病,就像酒精中毒?Q. Is workaholism really a disease, like alcoholism ?

对付酒精中毒的方法之一就是消除豪饮带来的强烈兴奋的感觉。Robbing booze of its buzz is one way to attack alcoholism.

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你说的那句关于酗酒的话,是什么意思?And what the hell did you mean by that remark about alcoholism?

酗酒对迷惘一代的意义是多重的。The significance of alcoholism for the lost generation is multifold.

“出人意料的是,酗酒的人往往不会肥胖,”格鲁扎说。“Ironically, people with alcoholism tend not to be obese,” Grucza says.

大多数人一想到“瘾”字就会联想到“酒瘾”或“毒瘾”。When we think of addiction, most of us think of alcoholism or drug abuse.

存在丰富的证据证明遗传因素是酗酒的部分原因。Ample evidence exists to prove that hereditary factors contribute to alcoholism.

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酗酒风险最大的人群是45至60岁之间担任管理工作的男性。Those most at risk of alcoholism were men in managerial jobs aged between 45 and 60.

你们面临一个日趋严重的肥胖问题,酗酒在中产阶级的生活中占有一席之地。You have a growing obesity problem. Alcoholism is gaining a grip on the middle classes.

慢性酒精中毒病人小脑蚓前部萎缩。Here is anterior vermian atrophy of the cerebellum in a patient with chronic alcoholism.

陪客户喝酒,酒精中毒,是否属于工伤?Can alcoholism as a consequence of drinking with clients be deemed a work-related injury?

如果你研究过这张照片,你会发现一个和酒精做着斗争的人的特性。And if you study this photo, you can see the qualities of a man struggling with alcoholism.

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由于慢性酒精中毒引起脂肪变,其余的肝脏呈淡黄褐色。The remaining liver is a pale yellow brown because of fatty change from chronic alcoholism.

夏亭的妈妈曾是个很有才华的作家,在一次酒精中毒后失去了生命。Xia Ting's mom ever was a writer that has talent very much, life was lost after alcoholism.

还记得吗?,干预组的酗酒比例,和对照组相比是增加的。Remember?-- Alcoholism rates went up for the intervention group, compared to the control group.