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她已到青春期。She has arrived at puberty.

姑娘的身段在青春期变得丰满。The figure of a girl fills out at puberty.

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包茎只有在青春期后才能被治愈。A phimosis can be cured only after puberty.

解释发育期和基因的影响。Explain the effects of puberty and genetics.

睾丸的拐点日龄和公猪的初情期接近。The day of growth inflection point is puberty.

这是和青春期或荷尔蒙分泌无关的一种症状。This has nothing to do with puberty or hormones.

非洲人进入青春期以后进行启蒙教育。African men are initiated when they reach puberty.

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孩子们玩游戏,看一些关于青春期的动画片。The kids played games and watched cartoons about puberty.

男性患者均出现男性假性性早熟。All male patients presented with pseudoprecocious puberty.

现在有的女孩子早在七岁就已经开始发育。Girls are starting puberty as young as seven years of age.

青春期是形成体型的关键时期。Puberty is the crucial period for formation of somatotypes.

这男孩子的嗓音在发育期开始变得粗声粗气。The boy's voice is beginning to crack at the age of puberty.

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当青春期开始的时候,身体分泌性激素。When puberty begins, the body starts producing sex hormones.

但是,在青春期期间,原本追随父母脚步的女儿可能会改变路线。Puberty is often disorienting for girls and for their parents.

影片中的细节也到处流溢着青春期的痕迹。The film detail also everywhere with traces of puberty swelled.

其基本理念是,这种创业经验就像是生意场上的青春期。The basic idea is that this experience is like business puberty.

随着营养以及卫生保健的提高,青春期年龄也就随之下降。As nutrition and health care improved, the age of puberty dropped.

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但到了青春期13-15岁的时候,情况就完全改变了。But at that moment of puberty – at 13, 14,15 – it shifts entirely.

目前女孩青春期的平均年龄是10.75岁。The current average age for the onset of puberty for girls is 10.75.

恶性黑素瘤可能发展自色素痣,但青春期前几乎不会发生。Malignant melanoma can Begin in moles But almost never before puberty.