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旅客付了直到拉尼的车费。The traveller paid to Lagny.

这匹马是一匹走得快的马。This horse is a fast traveller.

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著名的旅行家需要3名船员。Famous traveller requires 3 crew.

你是一个旅游者,还是一个旅行者?Are you a tourist, or a traveller?

我为这位旅客提供一夜住宿。I bedded the traveller for a night.

一个吉卜赛人传出的机场。A traveller came out of the airport.

但它又能给旅客带来什么呢?But what does it give the traveller?

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那独行客过着寂寞的人生。The lone traveller led a lonely life.

一类新的旅行者从此诞生。A new kind of traveller had been born.

还有地方塞下我的旅行袋吗?Is there any room to squash my traveller?

讨论了钢丝圈的发热和磨损。Traveller heating and wear are discussed.

这名游客用他的手表交换食物。The traveller bargained his watch for food.

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这位旅行者的经历使我们惊骇不已。The traveller thrilled us with his stories.

一杯葡萄酒消除了这位游客的疲劳。A glass of wine revived the tired traveller.

1854年,一名旅行者这样描述华工A traveller in 1854 described a group of Chinese

这个旅行会让最坚硬的旅行者适应。This trip will season even the hardiest traveller.

那里,一个旅行者正沿着马路在走。At that moment a traveller was waling along the road.

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强盗们埋伏起来准备袭击那个有钱的旅客。The robbers were lying in wait for the rich traveller.

他刚走出厅堂门,那客人就进来了。Hardly had he left the room when the traveller entered.

挂篮是悬灌施工的关键设备。Traveller is a key equipment for the cantilevercasting.