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收藏品包括陶器、刻、画、法、织品和金属制品。The collection includes ceramics, sculpture, paintings, calligraphy, textiles, and metalwork.

适用于所有与铝液接触的耐火材料和金属件表面。It is suitable for surfaces of refractory materials and metalwork in contact with aluminum liquid.

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金属制品有揭东试验区泰丰侨金属制品有限公司,宏达不锈钢制品有限公司等25家。There are 25 enterprises including Taifengqiao Metalwork Company, Hongda Steel Production Limited Company, etc.

激光成形技术是一种相对较新的技术,它没有任何机械接触就可以生产出金属制品,而不需要任何模具。Laser forming technology is a newer research technique, it can produce metalwork without any mechanical contact and mold.

酸雨和被污染的大气还会侵蚀建筑物的砖块和石造的部分,腐蚀钢制桥梁和铁轨的金属部分。Acid rain and polluted air also damage the bricks and stonework of buildings, and corrode the metalwork of steel bridges and railings.

为了生存,公司需要继续削减成本,尤其是他们产品的非面板部分--包括网络和和线路。To survive, firms will need to keep cutting costs, especially in the non-panel parts of their product, including metalwork and wiring.

他的父亲是一名钟表匠,他的叔叔是一名军械工人,这或许可以解释为什么约翰•亚诺很早就对精密工程和金属制品产生了兴趣。His father was a watchmaker and his uncle a gunsmith, which probably explains his early interest in precision engineering and metalwork.

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路易斯蒂芙尼最著名的是他的彩色玻璃窗和灯具,陶瓷,玻璃马赛克,吹制玻璃碎片,瓷漆和金属制品。Louis Tiffany was best known for his stained glass windows and lamps, ceramics, glass mosaics, blown glass pieces, enamels and metalwork.

艾诺思不锈钢制品厂,是集设计制造施工于一体的专业广告媒体制造商。Ningbo Areslogic Metalwork Factory Is the collection design manufacture construction in a body's specialized advertisement media manufacturer.

它们有金属制品、木制结构、由落叶松做成的围护结构和内部主要由松树和其他木材做成的其他家具。The materiality is metalwork and wooden the structure, the shell is covered by larch tiles and the interior is mainly vested in pine and other wood variety.

发生故障时,确保与设备相关的不带电的金属件没有相对大地的危险电压。To ensure that, if a fault occurs, non-current carrying metalwork associated with the equipment does not attain a dangerous potential with respect to general mass of earth.

一层后部的墙壁覆盖了大地色系的石膏,预备设置一套广泛的金属制品,作为对公司贸易的进一步参考。The back wall of the first floor is covered in earth-toned plaster, and is intended to both off-set the extensive metalwork and act as a further reference to the company's trade.

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这件作品由利托汉普顿·韦尔丁金属结构工程公司搭建,内墙使用了一种比普通油漆黑十倍的植绒软墙纸。The work has been built by a structural metalwork company, Littlehampton Welding, and the interior walls are lined with a soft flock that is 10 times blacker than normal black paint.

中心会视乎需求及财政状况,设立玻璃、木工及金工工场,为租户提供艺术创作的支援。Subject to sufficient demand and the availability of funds, communal workshops catering for glasswork, woodwork, and metalwork may be provided to support tenants' artistic endeavours.

那里有像金属加工等行业的工厂,个体承包商在那里负责,本质上来讲是独资的手工艺品加工,他们在单独的建筑里和平共处。And there were factories in occupations such as metalwork where individual contractors presided over what were essentially handicraft proprietorships that coexisted within a single building.

华奥金属制品公司座落在山东省东营市,这里是黄河入海口,也是中国第二大油田――胜利油田的基地。Dongying Huaao Precision Metalwork Co. , Ltd is located in Dongying City, where the Yellow River flows into sea, also the hinterland of Shengli Oil field-the second largest oil field in China.

并提出推进传统的金工实习向现代工程实践教学方向发展、加强金工教学队伍建设和提高教学水平的具体措施。It also provides concrete countermeasures to promote the traditional metalwork practice to develop in the direction of, and strengthen building the teaching group and improve the teaching level.