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我在火车上遇到了性骚扰。I was sexually accosted on the train.

但是在性上面,鸟类并不排他。Yet, they are not sexually exclusive.

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为什么会有人被鞋子撩得性致高昂呢?Why would anyone be sexually excited by shoes?

许多女人觉得这就是性爱上的挠痒痒。Many women find this to be sexually titillating.

你觉得它刺激你还不太够,还想知道得更多吗?Still sexually aroused enough to want to know more?

其中大概有三分之一的人在此之前有过性活跃状态。About one-third had previously been sexually active.

参与此次研究的研究对象是1200名处于性活跃期的青年人。The subjects were 1,200 sexually active young adults.

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软性下疳是一种性接触传播的细菌性传染病。Chancroid is a sexually transmitted bacterial infection.

其他的人也不必性兴奋起来发出点声音。Others don't have to be sexually excited to make a sound.

有各种各样的方法可以愉悦你的性伙伴。There are a variety ways to please your partner sexually.

现在想起来,为什么要在性上克制自己?And now that I'm thinking of it, why deny myself sexually?

她比我小一岁,但是性经验比我丰富多了。She was a year younger but much more sexually experienced.

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有一些儿童由于遭受过性侵犯已经变得对性很渴望。Some children have been sexualized by being sexually abused.

一些性传播感染没有任何症状。Some sexually transmitted infections exist without symptoms.

所有性活动频繁的女性都易感染艾滋病。All sexually active women can be vulnerable to HIV infection.

但是另一方面,我们很难像倭黑猩猩那样的“开放”。But then again, we’re hardly as sexually carefree as bonobos.

在性爱方面活跃的身体能分泌大量信息素。A sexually active body secretes large quantities of pheromones.

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但是,四分之三的服务对象性生活不频繁。However, three-quarters of the clients were not sexually active.

不用考虑年龄,那些得到性满足的女性会更加快乐。Women who are sexually satisfied are happier, regardless of age.

你看见那个和你不同种族,被阉割的人了吗?Philip, you see that sexually altered, racially different person?