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启示来自超意识层面。Revelations come from the above or superconscious level.

潜意识和超意识中的思想的渗透也很明显。Bleeding in of subconscious and superconscious thoughts is also evident.

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也许存在着经由我们超意识心智的某种形式的沟通。Perhaps there exists some form of communication happening through our superconscious mind.

那天晚上,他确实看见师父显现出一种超意识状态。And that evening he actually saw a manifestation of that superconscious state in the Master.

意识介于潜意识和超意识之间,并对潜意识或超意识的动力做出不同程度的反应。The conscious level is in between, and reacts to either sub- or superconscious impulses in varying ratios.

这意谓着对潜意识,意识、和超意识三种状态的一种有效的“控制”和知觉。This means an effective "control" and awareness of the 3 states, subconscious, conscious, and superconscious.

有意识的心智也非常像一个调整器,平衡在潜意识和超意识心智之间的流动。Again, the conscious mind is much like a regulator, balancing the flows between the subconscious and superconscious minds.

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在存在的星体层中,灵魂的潜意识心智代替了意识心智,超意识又代替了潜意识。On the astral level of existence, the subconscious mind replaces the conscious mind of the soul, and the superconscious replaces the subconscious.

你已选择要成为前来变化之先锋,为超意识的实相建立新形式而贡献。You have chosen to be at the forefront of the change that is coming, to contribute to building the new forms that will support a superconscious reality.

三维自我可以“意识到”超意识,通过冥想、祈祷和臣服于高阶意识的折叠。The third dimensionalself can become "conscious" of the superconscious throughmeditation, prayer, and by surrendering to the enfoldment of thehigher order consciousness.

我们必须将它抛在身后并“寻找更高呼唤的迹象”——上帝的迹象、超意识、基督意识、“耶和华的山”。We must leave this entertainment behind and "press on to the mark of the high calling, " His mark, the superconscious , the Christ Consciousness, the "hill of the Lord. "