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哪个句子比较清楚?。Which sentence is clearer?

对于爱情而言,资料更为详实。In love, the data is even clearer.

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当时更加明确I think it was clearer in those days.

一些趋势现在已变得非常清楚。One such trend has now become clearer.

空气更加干净,夜晚变得清冷。The air was clearer now, the night cold.

什么形象或习语能让意思更明白?What image or idiom will make it clearer?

从英国的发展历程来看,这一点更加清晰In the course of Britain, it's even clearer.

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装上新天线后画面清晰多了。The picture is much clearer with the new aerial.

改革的道德实例是再清楚不过了。The moral case for reform has never been clearer.

真理愈辩愈明。The more truth is debated, the clearer it becomes.

如果你删去最后那一段,它将会更清楚。It will be clearer if you delete the last paragraph.

没有什么比销售更能确认客户了。There is no clearer customer validation than a sale.

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为了表示得更清楚,可以把数目填在统计表中。We can use the statistical table to make it clearer.

我更清楚的知道,大部分都是普通的俗人。I am clearer know, it is for the most part common laic.

这些概念在下一节将变得更清楚。These concepts will become clearer in the next section.

所以,初冬的声音更大声、更清晰。As a result, early winter sounds are louder and clearer.

男人更直接的原因变得更清楚了。The reason men prefer a direct approach becomes clearer.

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仅仅使用一次之后,皮肤会细嫩洁净很多。after just one use, skin feels softer and looks clearer.

大器,所以电视信号更清楚了。The TV signals got clearer due to the use of the amplifier.

墨西哥湾的灾害使得这个需要更为清楚。The disaster in the Gulf of Mexico just makes that clearer.