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我下午偶尔打个盹。I sometimes take a catnap in the afternoon.

此刻你可以休息三分钟。Now you are allowed to take a three-minute catnap.

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我先打个盹再到电影院和你碰面。I'll meet you at the movies right after I take a little catnap.

午间适当小睡可以让你精力充沛。A catnap in the middle of the day, for instance, can be energizing.

一群苍蝇正打扰这这头猎豹的饭后小憩。Not even a swarm of flies disturbs a cheetah's after-dinner catnap.

我的问题在于很没有掌握所谓的完美20分钟。My problem was I hadn't yet perfected the art of the 20-minute catnap.

不了,谢谢。如果可以小睡片刻,我想我就会觉得好多了。No, thanks. If I could just take a little catnap , I think I'd feel much better.

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当你小睡的时候,你就打了一个瞌睡。或许在令人厌烦的一天的工作时间内中,上班时你可以这么做。When you have a short sleep you have a catnap. Perhaps you do this at work during a boring day at the office.

“空中小睡”是健身房提供的一种安神的健身活动,健身房提供吊床,锻炼者中午休息很短的时间,可以提高下午工作的效率。Gyms have hammocks for exercisers to take catnap during lunch time in order to increase the productivity of afternoon's work.

黄昏,皇叔府第内,阿尔泰躺在卧椅假寐看似是闭眼养神,其实正在沉思奸计。Dusk, royal uncle in the mansion, aertai lie in lie chair catnap seemingly is close their eyes resting, in fact GanJi was lost in thought.