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银行把一笔十镑的帐记入史密斯先生借方栏。The bank debited £10 from Mr Smith's account.

商店把购货金额记入她的账户的借方。The store debited the purchase to her account.

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商店将这笔购货金额记入他的账户的借方。The store debited his account for the purchase.

由此产生的额外费用记入船东的账上。The extra payment incurred can be debited to the shipowner's account.

小号字附加条款则告诫,账款会在几个月后记入其帐户的借方。Small print warns that their accounts will be debited for months to come.

只有当初次设置备用金时,才借记零用现金账户。The petty cash account is debited only when the fund is first established.

相反,利润和亏损是划入或划出从一个帐户余额。Rather, profits and losses are credited or debited from one's account balance.

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购入股票的总成本应借记投资账户。The total cost of stocks purchased should be debited to an investment account.

如果收取费用,这些费用按季度或半年借记账户。If any charges are to be made they are debited either quarterly or half-yearly.

因此煤的预计成本借记到存货账户。Therefore, the estimated cost of this coal is debited to the Inventory account.

现金溢缺账户在现金短缺时被借记,在现金溢余时被贷记。Cash over and short account is debited with shortages and credited with overages.

所需费用将在投资结算户内扣取。Any costs or charges incurred will be directly debited from the settlement account.

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各步骤分配的制造费用也记入相应的在产品账户。Each departmental work in process account is also debited for the factory overhead applied.

某个项目的增加是应借记还是贷记取决于该项目的种类。Whether an increase in a given item is credited or debited depends on the category of the item.

贵方有责任马上提出来,否则你们将为此承担责任。It is your responsibility to point it out to us immediately, otherwise you will debited erroneously.

我们的银行账户上周被记入借方,所以你目前应该支付全额,请证实收据。Our bank account was debited last week so you should have full payment by now, please confirm receipt.

而该月费可能时修订并将于每月初从上帐户中扣除。Relevant charges are subject to change and will be debited directly from the above account at the beginning of each month.

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我行已经根据以下根据以下交易借记您的帐户,最终的结果将会出现在您的对账单上。We have DEBITED your account in line with the undermentioned transaction, the net proceeds of which will appear on your statement.

把你的银行账户设成每月自动扣除各种惯例性的费用吧,这样你就不用为它们操心了。Just set up your bank account to be debited automatically for those recurring bills every month so you don't have to worry about them.

假设顾客通过在线订单、进行付费,并且看到他的银行账目在同一天记入借方,他会对花了28天来等待配送感到高兴吗?If the customer orders and pays on-line and sees his bank account debited the same day, will he be happy about waiting 28 days for delivery?