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我喜欢棋盘式格子衬衫。I prefer a checkered shirt.

我同意。我也喜欢方格图案。I agree. I like checkered patterns, too.

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网络有着类似的曲折历史。The network has had a similarly checkered history.

宝马在可替代能源方面也有一段曲折的过去。BMW also has a checkered past with alternative fuels.

双龙此前与战略投资者的历史也变化莫测。Ssangyong's history with strategic investors is checkered.

她的手指描绘出法兰绒被单上的方格图案。Her finger traced the checkered pattern of their flannel sheets.

这“第一颗可居住的太阳系外行星”的发现史可谓一波三折。The “first habitable exoplanet” already has a checkered history.

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树林下的地上光影交错。The ground under the trees was checkered with sunlight and shade.

菲尔山取格子旗,创下了新的比赛速度的纪录。Phil Hill takes the checkered flag, setting a new race speed record.

那根背带的棋盘格花纹不停地在他脑子里显现出来。The checkered pattern of that suspender recurred incessantly to his mind.

他是我们采访对象中第一个承认历史污点对就业前景构成阻碍的人。He is the first to admit that a checkered past has hampered his job prospects.

峡谷内罗列着绿色的农场,并点缀着灰色的市镇。The valley is checkered with green farm fields and dotted with gray cities and towns.

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我坐在桌边,皱起眉头看着色彩多样的桌布,清醒的嚼着苦涩的食物。I sat there frowning at the checkered table-cloth, chewing the bitter cud of hindsight.

所有你所需要的是一张方格纸、笔、朋友、和你准备去。All you need is a sheet of checkered paper, a pen and a friend, and you are ready to go.

好的,红格衬衣就按快衣处理,其余就按普通服务处理。OK, I take the express service for my red checkered shirt, the rest can be treated as regular.

但是,在白宫他的一位接班人青年时代却历尽艰辛。But one of his successors in the White House had about as checkered a youth as can be imagined.

在游戏中你的目标是达到格仔旗,而尽量避免该洞在董事会。In the game you object is to reach the checkered flag, while trying to avoid the holes in the board.

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一条条纹交错的束带蛇则在雨林的边缘低地迎来了她的三个小宝宝。A checkered garter snake gave birth to three baby snakes in the ginger belt at the edge of the rain forest.

理想的球路是从左至右,然后穿过第二杆开始的棋盘式花园。An ideal ball flight moves from left to right and past the checkered garden, which sets up the second shot.

同时,由于利比亚国内长期错综复杂的部族历史,街上的持枪青年也会带来社会治安问题。Meanwhile Libya, with its checkered tribal history, might have a problem with armed young men in the streets.