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武士们以前在马背上以矛刺击。Knights used to tilt on horseback.

她骑在马上,潇洒地随着马步的节奏上下起伏。She rode horseback posting elegantly.

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疟疾飞驰而来,姗姗而去。Agues come on horseback but go away on foot.

到森林山丘区骑马享受日落之美。Take a horseback ride among the wooded hills.

是一种在马背上玩的室外集体项目。It's a team sport played outdoor on horseback.

最受人喜爱的消遣是骑马和放鹰狩猎。Horseback riding and falconry popular pastimes.

灾来如骑马,祸去如步行。Misfortune come on horseback and go away on foot.

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两个骑士骑马持长矛互相冲刺。The two knights tilted at each other on horseback.

灾难来时快马奔,去时徒步行。Misfortune arrives on horseback but departs on foot.

壹些人喜欢骂术,但是斡宁愿把打高尔夫球作溪一种业余爱好。Some like horseback ride, but I prefer golf as a hobby.

在古代中国,邮递员骑马送信。In ancient China mails were sent by mailmen on horseback.

她骑马旅行,穿过了非洲和土耳其。She has journeyed on horseback through Africa and Turkey.

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什么她写是一个农民在马背言来在。What she write is a peasant on the horseback say come on.

从延安到南泥湾骑马要三个小时。From Yenan to Nanniwan was a three-hour ride on horseback.

马背上有一名女战士和一个受伤的大使。There was an amazon and a wounded ambassador on horseback.

在其他地方,则有骑警在控制人群。Elsewhere, police on horseback worked to control the crowd.

过去贵族们以骑马持矛对刺作为一项运动。Noblemen used to tilt at each other on horseback for sport.

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里夫在1995年骑马事故中受伤瘫痪。Reeve was paralyzed in a horseback riding accident in 1995.

何不骑马游览美国亚利桑那州的大峡谷?Why not see the Grand Canyon in Arizona, USA, on horseback?

穆斯林轻骑兵为信仰而战,为真主而战。Men who follow Islam and fight for their faith on horseback.