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肯出好价钱,不愁没人干。A good paymaster is never in want of workmen.

精明的掌钱人是他人钱包的主宰者。The good paymaster is lord of another mans purse.

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在地后面还走进了一个副官和团部的军需官。He was followed by an adjutant and the paymaster of the regiment.

当他把羊皮纸递给会计的时候它们清脆的折皱。The parchment crinkled crisply as he slid it toward the paymaster.

流亡的饿狼会在什么时分吃掉出纳员?What time must it be when the escaped hungry wolf ate the paymaster?

而欧洲最大经济体,拥有掌控欧盟财政地位的德国,其态度至关重要。The key vote is Germany, Europe's biggest economy and the EU's paymaster.

有嫌疑的出纳员克里斯托弗·梅特索斯没有出现在美国法庭上。Suspected paymaster Christopher Metsos didn't appear in an American court.

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也许吧。我也从不欠债,这是对一个会计的基本要求。签字吧。Perhaps. I always pay my debts as well. It is expected of a paymaster. Sign.

但他的语调明显在说,美国是联合国的最大资助者,是老大,所以说一不二。His tone is that America is numero uno, the UN's chief paymaster , and so must be obeyed.

31岁时,他成为了政策研究中心的总监,并于1992年当选入汉普郡的哈凡特市,成为了其任职第一期的财政部的主计长。By 31, he was director of the Centre for Policy Studies, and in 1992 was elected to Havant in Hampshire, becoming paymaster general in his first term.

通常很难把政府的商业利益与其作为产业管理者、法院发薪者、税收征收者和经济政策制订者的身份区分开来。It is often hard to disentangle the government's commercial interests from its roles as industry regulator, paymaster for courts, tax collector and economic policymaker.

德国坚持持有希腊债务的银行、退休基金和保险公司把旧债换成期限延长七年的新债.European paymaster Germany is insisting that banks, pension funds and insurance firms which hold Greek debt swap their bonds for new ones with maturities that are seven years later.