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他表示这是马华重组及改革的决定。He claims this is a decision to reshuffle and reform MCA.

在洗牌时地要先将牌背朝上,然后再洗牌。In the reshuffle when first trump back upward, then shuffle.

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重庆将有至少3000名警察面临大换岗。At least 3000 police officials in Chongqing are facing a major job reshuffle.

昨日的调整也标志着葛霖在汇丰主宰地位的终结。Yesterday's reshuffle also marks the end of Mr Green's dominant role ruing the bank.

但分析师关注的原因在于选举会改组统治集团。But analysts pay attention because the elections are used to reshuffle the hierarchy.

在今年的三月三个队伍都进行了重大的改组。Finally, in March this year, there was a large reshuffle between the 3 teams of AKB48.

突尼斯总理穆罕默德·加努希宣布将对临时政府进行一次重大改组。Tunisian PM Mohammed Ghannouchi has announced a major reshuffle of the interim government.

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部分分析师认为,意向中的权力结构调整引发的争议是会议延期的原因。Some analysts say disputes over a proposed reshuffle of the power structure caused the delay.

看到政府官员在内阁改组之前耍弄花招以讨得首相欢心是很有趣的。It's amusing to watch members jockeying FOR the Prime Minister's attention prior to Cabinet reshuffle.

斯特凡诺斯说,内阁改组将在总统与各政党协商后进行。Stefan North, said the cabinet reshuffle will be the president after consultation with political parties.

当抽牌堆用完时,重新洗匀弃牌堆组成新的抽牌堆。这跟标准规则一样。Reshuffle the discards and create a new draw pile when the draw pile is depleted, as per normal game rules.

如果库什内在即将到来的改组时离职,那么他仍将是法国最受欢迎的政治家之一。If Mr Kouchner leaves his job in the reshuffle expected soon, he will still be one of France’s most popular politicians.

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人事大洗牌是每届美国政府任期两年后都要经历的改组阵痛。Major personnel reshuffle is a term of two years each, after the U. S. government to go through the restructuring pains.

为了抵销来自对手的压力,沙马.顺达卫总理计划在未来几天重组他的内阁。In a bid to stave off pressure from his opponents, Prime Minister Samak plans to reshuffle his cabinet in the coming days.

他们可以收拾残局,修复感情,然后一起创建他们梦想中的美好关系——无论什么年纪。They can pick up the pieces, reshuffle the deck and create together the relationship of both of their dreams — at any age.

对低亲和度抗体采用混沌再生策略,保持种群多样性。CCEA uses a chaos to reshuffle operation for those antibodies with low affinity to maintain the diversity of the population.

越南议员选出新的国会领导人,这是执政的党进行政府重组的一部份。Vietnamese lawmakers have elected a new parliamentary leader as part of a government reshuffle by the ruling Communist Party.

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帕潘德里欧回应说,他将重组内阁,并且要求议会对他的新政府进行信任投票。Papandreou responded by saying he will reshuffle his Cabinet and seek a vote of confidence for his new government in parliament.

它们都在各施所长,暗自角力,未来几年,一场运动品牌行业洗牌在所难免。They have applied their expertise, secretly wrangling over the next few years, a campaign branded industry reshuffle was inevitable.

此次卫浴产品的集体提价是行业竞争加剧的一个信号,预示着卫浴行业大洗牌时代的来临。The sanitary products industry is a collective price competition has intensified as a sign that large bathroom industry reshuffle era.