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用你自己的方式外倾。Extravert in your own style.

同样的交谈能让外向者荣光焕发,却让内向者精神颓靡。The same conversation that energizes the extravert also drains the introvert.

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对于内向的人,这可能是与外向人相处中最难的部分。For an introvert, this can be the most difficult part of dealing with an extravert.

而外向的人经常觉得内向的人难以沟通、太保守或太冷淡。The extravert needs to learn to slow down, but the introvert needs to learn to speak up.

你能够强迫自己“表现”得更外向,但内向者的本质还是不会被改变,反之亦然。You can force yourself to act outside of your element, but an introvert can't become an extravert and vice versa.

有趣的是,仔细查看得知,外向的特质是西方文化重视的特质。Interesting, upon closer examination the characteristics of an extravert are characteristics that are valued in Western culture.

确保大力发展外向型农业,增强出口创汇的能力。The agricultural extravert type enterprises are developed strongly and the ability of agricultural products export is strengthened.

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这些描述比先前旳更为精准,但仅适用外倾型。These descriptions are more accurate than the previous, but they only refer to the descriptions of extravert types obtained this way.

本片跟〈教父咪搞〉的桥段类似,除了精神病专家疯狂地活跃,他的顾客则是温顺及唯命是从。The formula is some what the same except that the psychiatrist is now the seemingly crazy extravert and the client is the meek and submissive type.

不同个性因素评分员对评分标准的理解不同,但评分时并没有明显差异。It reveals that extravert and introvert raters interpreted the scoring scale differently whereas there was little effect on test taker's performance.

本文考察的是口语测试中考试形式与评分员的个性因素对考生成绩的影响。The present study aims to investigate the interaction effects between extravert and introvert raters and the types of oral test on test taker's performance.

外向的活力表达来源和方向主要是外部世界,而内向的活力来源主要是内部世界。An extravert has a source and direction of energy expression mainly in the external world while the introvert has a source of energy mainly in the internal world.

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格兰特曾与一家财富500强企业的CEO共事,这位CEO为自己定了一个规矩,即在会议开始的15分钟内保持缄默,不说一句话——尽管他是个非常外向的人。He worked with the CEO of one Fortune 500 company who has a policy of silence for the first 15 minutes of meetings. He does not utter a single word, although he is an extravert.

通过全文的分析,提出适合我国现状和可持续发展思想的海水养殖业发展政策和建议。From the analysis in the paper, we put forward some development policies and suggestion to extravert mariculture which suit the present of our country and sustainable development.