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现在,你在这个边陲之地的学习之期已近尾声。Now, the end of your time at this borderland school draws near.

伯恩赛德感情强烈的抒情诗介于两个世界之间。Burnside's intensely lyric poems occupy a borderland between two worlds.

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拉兰内夫妇一直占据高雅艺术和装饰艺术的边缘领域。The Lalannes have always occupied the borderland between high and decorative art.

把欧洲中心视为一处没希望和没用的边境地带的观点肯定是错的。Treating the centre of Europe as a hopeless and irrelevant borderland cannot be right.

全球化论坛对教育和经济之间联系的关注徒增。There has been sharpening interest in this borderland between education and the economy.

爱国主义精神是边疆军营文化创新发展的根本。Patriotism is the base of cultural innovation and development of borderland military camps.

湖北简称,地处我国中部,以居洞庭湖北而得名。Hubei province, located in the middle of the borderland referred to in dongting lake and hubei.

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当他终于拥有她时,他们好象在生命神秘的边缘攀上了快乐之颠。And when he possessed her, they seemed to swoon together at the very borderland of life's mystery.

调谐为一个人提高“边界”和灵界之间的连接比率。Attunement improves the connective ratios between the "Borderland" and the afterlife for a person.

就在你转身的刹那,我闭上了我的眼睛,任眼泪模糊了我们的边界。The moment you turned back, i closed my eyes and let tears mark the borderland between you and me.

藏学研究与中国边疆学的构建有密切的联系。There is a close relation between Tibetan studies and the construction of China's borderland studies.

屯垦,自产生以来就是历代统治者普遍选择的一种边疆统治模式。Opening up wasteland was always adopted by the previous rulers to handle borderland since it came forth.

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在21世纪新的历史条件下,探究西方边疆理论的演变,是十分必要的。Thus, it is worth while to study the development of the borderland theories of the West in the 21st century.

毕苏人是生活在中国西南边疆以及相毗连境外地区的一个少数民族群体。The Bisu people are an ethnic group, which live in borderland of Southwest China and neighboring abroad territory.

边疆治理是首任新疆巡抚刘锦棠所面临的首要问题。Administering the borderland was a practical problem faced by liu jin-tang the first provincial governor of xinjiang.

云南边疆民族地区是非传统安全问题危机应对的重要战场,也是受害最严重、危害最烈、影响深远的地区。The minority borderland of Yunnan is like a battlefield suffering most seriously due to non-traditional security crises.

一个国家教育的软实力不仅体现在其中心城市的教育,也应体现在沿边境地区的教育。The soft power of a nation's education finds expression not only in its education in major cities but also in its borderland.

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这是一个爱情故事,一个发生在虚构的封建中国边陲之古丝路世界的爱情故事。This is a love story, one that is set in the world of the Silk Road beyond the borderland of a fictitious ancient feudal China.

中国边疆学的发展,必将促进藏学研究的进一步繁荣,有助于藏学研究取得更为丰硕的成果。The development of China's borderland studies will surely help quicken the prosperity of Tibetan studies with more achievements.

位于桐柏大别山造山带北缘桐柏信阳地段的豫南高压镁铁质麻粒岩块体主要由石榴角闪二辉麻粒岩类组成。Recently, a high pressure mafic granulites block has discovered along the northern borderland of the Tongbai Dabie orogenic belt.