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锻造钢剑?Sword forging?

收起你的剑。Put up your sword.

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也舞起剑来。Also a sword dance.

她拔剑出鞘。She bared her sword.

那把剑看上去不错。That sword looks good.

他佩带上他的剑。He girded his sword on.

你看,那就是我的佩剑。Look, this is my sword.

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刀剑深深地刺入。The sword entered deep.

犹如高洁的剑侠。As a noble sword master.

它是双刃剑。It is a two-edged sword.

他系牢了他的剑。He fastened his sword on.

他拍了拍他的剑柄。He patted his sword hilt.

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他挥舞着他的剑。He swings with his sword.

我拿到了匈奴王的宝剑。I've got attila 's sword.

我知道一把剑应该知道的一切。I know what a sword knows.

第四阶段学习刀法。Phase IV study sword skill.

剑刺进了他的腿。The sword bit into his leg.

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他霍地拔出剑来。He drew his sword in a flash.

剑尖,斜指地面。Sword point, inclined ground.

你的剑够利吗?琼恩雪诺?Is your sword sharp, Jon Snow?