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中和作用,抵消,中和反应。To counteract or neutralize.

碱的物质会中和酸。These alkaline substances will neutralize acids.

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这样做会使得你已经肯定了的好的想法失去效用。This will neutralize the good you have affirmed.

魔法仪式被用来中和巫术。magic rites were employed to neutralize witchcraft.

而牛奶中的蛋白质却可中和这种“消脂能力”。But proteins in cows' milk neutralize this fat-fighting ability.

该计划甚至可以抵消所有当前及未来的电子邮件病毒。The program can even neutralize all current and future email viruses.

不可混合热饮,以免破坏其中多种活性酵素及活益菌成分。Do not mix with hot liquids since heat will neutralize active enzymes.

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在水处理中,二氧化碳用于中和碱水。Carbon dioxide is used in water treatment to neutralize alkaline water.

目前,研究人员已经识别出一种有助于中和水稻里铝的毒性的基因。A gene that helps neutralize aluminum toxicity in rice has been identified.

她们总是发明新的战术来对付塞娜。They always keep inventing some new tricks or strategy to neutralize Saina.

肾脏的反应是从骨头里面抽出钙质来中和血液。Your kidneys respond by pulling calcium from bones to neutralize your blood.

他的目标是找到并且中和它们可怕的发明-半原子炸弹。His purpose is to find and neutralize their terrible creation -semi-atomic bomb.

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美味的TUMS咀嚼片在您的胃里会直接中和胃酸,这是它与众不同的地方。Great-tasting, chewable TUMS go straight to the heartburn to neutralize acid fast.

她设计了三个步骤,帮助大家缓解恶性竞争的局面。She outlined three steps she says will help you neutralize bad mouthing competitors.

一旦被设计的病毒遭遇艾滋病毒,它立即将自身注入病毒,从而抑制病毒。Once the engineered irus encounters HI, it would inject itself and neutralize the irus.

使用该过量的胺将副产物酸选择性中和为胺盐。The excess amine is employed to selectively neutralize by-product acid as the amine salt.

中性的褐色是另一种帮助企业化解用户感受的颜色。The neutral brown is another corporate color and helps neutralize intrepid users’ feelings.

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苏打属于弱碱性,这样就可以中和酸和分解蛋白质。Baking soda is weakly alkaline. As such, it acts to neutralize acids and break down proteins.

它能中立化和修补有害的微粒,保证内在健康和外在秀丽。It can neutralize and repair harmful particles to ensure inner health and outer beauty repair.

目的在于揭示并抵消那些正在折磨着此人的情绪记忆。The goal is to uncover and neutralize the emotional memories that are plaguing one's behavior.