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他的烦恼使他喋喋不休。His annoyance had unbridled his tongue.

但这一次,他和韩丹无拘无束快乐地叫了起来。But now he and Han Dan cried with unbridled joy.

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而等到想放肆的时候,却失去了放肆的借口。But wait, but to unbridled lost licentious excuses.

肆无忌惮的开怀畅饮,轻松自如的享受美食。Unbridled drink it and enjoy, enjoy the ease of food.

在战争中,他们飘逸狠辣的进攻是神族武术的典范。They exemplify the unbridled ferocity of the protoss at war.

做下属的,最忌在上司面前肆无忌惮。Do subordinates, superiors in the face of unbridled drinking.

当耶稣看到圣殿被一些无餍的贪婪所玷污的时候。When Jesus saw the Temple being desecrated by unbridled greed.

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学子们这样的越轨行为真是见所未见。Never has there been such unbridled license among the scholars.

放纵的怒火驱使你以惊人的速度激发狂暴战斗。Unbridled rage propels you to inhuman speed while in a Battle Frenzy.

这是美联储用来为它无上权力辩护的一面之辞。This is the Johnny-one-note of the Fed's defense of its unbridled power.

事实上,民主是建立在无约束的言论自由的基础上的。Indeed, its democracy was built on a foundation of unbridled free speech.

他睁开眼睛,现出像一位遭到劫持的国王一样的难以抑制的怒色。He opened his eyes, and into them came the unbridled anger of kidnapped king.

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这热病可象征人不受约束的脾气,不正常而无节制。This fever may signify a person's unbridled temper, abnormal and intemperate.

他把马嚼松开,喂上马,再回到屋里的时候,时钟刚好敲响了三点。He unbridled and fed his horse, and as he re-entered the house the clock struck three.

以前还从来没有哪一部像这样有学术价值的鸿篇巨著遭到过如此肆无忌惮的攻击和侮蔑。Never has a scholarly work of this stature been attacked with such unbridled fury and contempt.

对中国经济的极度乐观让位于对中国奇迹中出现裂缝的担忧。Unbridled optimism has given way to fears over widening cracks in the Chinese economic miracle.

但就是这“区区一只狗”为我的生命注入了友谊、信任的精华和纯粹的无拘无束的快乐。"Just a dog" brings into my life the very essence of friendship, trust, and pure unbridled joy.

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一代无节制的经济发展已经给如今的中国人留下伤害性的前景。A generation of unbridled economic advances has bequeathed to today's Chinese an abused landscape.

毕竟,这是官僚们的自然本能去抵抗对他们独断权力的蚕食。After all, it is in the nature of bureaucrats to resist any encroachment on their unbridled power.

不管你要寻找的是安静的放松或是激烈的刺激,夏威夷都可以给你最好的。Whether you're in search of quiet relaxation or unbridled stimulation, Hawaii gives you the best of both.