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护士熟练地敷药包扎了伤口。The nurse dressed the wound expertly.

当他还是孩子的时候,就学会了如何制版。He learned to plate expertly while still a boy.

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这个店员熟练地包好了包裹。The shop assistant made up the parcel expertly.

护士熟练地脱去了较老病人的衣服。The nurse disrobed the elderly patient expertly.

警察们在后追随,但杰克熟练地避开了他们。The policemen follow but Jack expertly evades them.

本机能够熟练地指导抓地力遮光罩。The machine can be expertly guided by the grip hood.

警察们在后追随,但杰克熟练地避开了他们。The policemen follow, but Jack expertly evades them.

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她熟练地把注射针插入我的静脉里。She expertly slid the hypodermic needle into my vein.

这房间的音响效果设计得颇具匠心。The acoustics of the room have been expertly planned.

距离和宽度看似相等的格局,实则千变万化,巧夺天工。Distances and widths that appear equal are in fact expertly varied.

我越是看见正厅的女孩们熟练地准备特别的菜肴。The more I see the main hall girls expertly getting special dishes.

爸爸有些心不在焉,但他熟练地带着她在地板上旋转。Papa seemed distracted, but he whirled her around the floor expertly.

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趁茉莉和杰克擦拭手臂的时候,女服务生麻利地摆好桌子。While Molly and Jack wipe hands the waitress expertly tidy up the table.

那些照片巧妙地拍得十分阴森恐怖,他们看起来就是人肉。The photos were expertly gruesome, they seemed to be pulps of human beings.

米歇尔-菲佛熟练地扮演了一个极度美丽的洛杉矶艺术家和一个被监禁的凶手。Michelle Pfeiffer expertly plays an obnoxiously beautiful L.A. artist and imprisoned murderess.

华美而价廉的餐厅。佳肴迎宾,服务专业,女服务生,开胃方式。A superb and inexpensive restaurant. fine food expertly served by waitresses in appetizing forms.

米拉的进球和被判无效,事实上具有重大的历史意义。Milla's chalked-off – and expertly taken – goal turned out to have historically urgent resonance.

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麦啤是我们的时令鲜酿,酿酒大师从手工摘选麦芽原料开始,经过一道道工序精心酿制而成。The Mash is our seasonal brew, expertly crafted from ingredients hand-selected by the Brew Master.

你熟练地向姆昆达学习了这些外交,现在你以祂的送信者身份带着奉承话来这里。You expertly learned diplomacy from Mukunda , and now you come as His messenger with flattering words.

他熟练地将风景背景的线条拼接在一起为观看者创造了强烈的视角。Ben creates a strong perspective for the viewer by expertly matching the lines of the background scenery.