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这种情况可能是令人担忧的接近真理。Such a scenario could be worryingly close to the truth.

然而当地人说,开张的第二周生意却不尽人意。The second week of business, locals say, has been worryingly slow.

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许多卫生指标低得令人担心,包括免疫接种覆盖率。Many health indicators are worryingly low, including vaccination coverage rates.

这令我们不禁想起当年麦考立克金的不幸事件。Aspects of this story are worryingly reminiscent of the Macaulay Culkin disaster.

儿童在网上可以如此简单得下载图片显然是家长们最担心的。Worryingly most parents are oblivious to how easy it is for children to download images.

我们都希望乔布斯身体健康,寿比南山,但他看起来仍然瘦得让人担心。Jobs enjoys the best of health and lives to a ripe old age. But he still looks worryingly thin.

其中一些流传的数字与中国经济的增长相比低得令人担忧。Some of the numbers being bandied around seem worryingly low given China's weight of economic growth.

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有关华盛顿互助银行得到救援的谣言令人担心的冷淡,他们也只有等待。Worries about Washington Mutual, where rescue rumours had become worryingly cold, would also have to wait.

不仅如此,更让人郁闷的是,许多人似乎更容易被长得像自己的异性吸引——“异性相吸”真是博大精深。More worryingly still, many seem to be drawn to partners who look like themselves – so much for "opposites attract".

即便建立了民主,系统的罅隙也让人见之心忧,然后民主就随政治失序而幻灭。Even in established democracies, flaws in the system have become worryingly visible and disillusion with politics is rife.

西班牙紧步希葡两国后尘,遭遇债务评级下调,意大利则正为债券走向流拍而忧心忡忡。Spain's debt was downgraded, along with Portugal's and Greece's, and Italy came worryingly close to a failed debt auction.

西班牙国债被降级了,和葡萄牙、希腊同病相怜,恐怕意大利也要面临坏账的拍卖。Spain’s debt was downgraded, along with Portugal’s and Greece’s, and Italy came worryingly close to a failed debt auction.

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现在对于那些打赌明年经济会好转的人比较担心,因为商学院预计下一年会有更多的申请者。Worryingly for those betting on a swift economic recovery, business schools reckon that next year could yield an even bigger crop of applicants.

“10月本是销售旺季,可是今年十月初的销售量出奇的低,”ANZ信用交易小组在周四的一份市场报告里说。"Early October data has been worryingly weak for the seasonally strong part of the year, " ANZ's credit-trading team wrote in a market commentary on Thursday.

重新投入新赛事训练是费莱尼恢复巅峰状态的关键,但是最担心的是莫耶斯,费莱尼将错过埃弗顿的全部比赛。The build-up to a new campaign is seen as crucial for reaching peak form and fitness, but, worryingly for Moyes, Fellaini will miss Everton's entire programme.

但是,经济复苏仍面临较大下行风险,许多发达经济体失业率和债务率高企令人担忧,增长依然脆弱。Significant downside risks to this recovery remain, however. Unemployment and debt levels are worryingly high and growth remains weak in many advanced economies.

它的国内政策条理不清且没有资金做后盾,令人担忧的外交政策大喊“脱美”口号,党内成员是社会主义者和自民党离党人员的奇怪联合。Its domestic policies were incoherent and unfunded , its foreign policy worryingly anti-American, its members an odd coalition of socialists and exiles from the LDP.

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同样影响可见在1972年的热浪中,前苏联十分之一的农民帮助把粮食价格推上了峰巅。Similar impacts were seen during a major heat wave in 1972, which decimated farmers in the former Soviet Union, helping to push grain prices to worryingly high levels.

时逢物价剧烈波动,各大石油与天然气出口国越来越令人担忧地国家主义化,确保国内资源格外获得重视。And secure domestic sources of energy are particularly prized at a time when prices are volatile and many of the big oil and gas exporters are becoming worryingly nationalistic.

在他们前面,小曼奇尼走后托蒂身边的三个人似乎怎么也摩擦不出火花,虽然巴普没受伤的时候还能稍微弥补点空缺。Ahead of them, the bank of three behind Totti looks worryingly short of a creative spark now that Mancini has departed, though Julio Baptista may help fill that void when healthy.