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帽儿岛现在已经无影无踪了。No vestige of Hat Island is left now.

或者仅仅是某种没有恶意的古代异教遗俗?Or is it just a harmless vestige of some ancient pagan ritual?

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古崖居,一个千古之谜的人文遗迹。The ancient cliff occupies, riddle of an eternity humanities vestige.

这是我们简单的依靠和消费媒体的时代留下的痕迹。It’s a vestige of a time when we simply sat back and consumed our media.

卑南遗址的石棺都朝同一方向埋葬——对著秀丽的都兰山。The stone graves at the Peinan vestige site all face in the direction of Tulan Mt.

假若我们想测量身体脂肪,磅秤是20世纪陈旧遗迹。If we want to measure our body fat, the scale is an archaic vestige of the 20 century.

结果,当她死去,她的灵魂没有到达遥远的异界,而是变成了契灵。When her time was up, her soul vanished into the far realms, and she became a vestige.

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这里没有讨厌的沙滩,据说还被称作难看的海滨。There is not a vestige of beastly sand anywhere. I have heard it called an ugly coast.

这幅面孔,并非虚华的表象而是人民呼声的残响,如今却化为了空白与泡影。This Visage, no mere Veneer of Vanity, is a Vestige of the Vox populi, now Vacant, Vanished.

这个农村生活最后的残余物已自甘失败,羞愧地、偷偷地退出了我们的生活。This last vestige of rural life has since owned defeat and slunk away ashamed and unnoticed.

容貌只是浮华的外表,而它更是人民心声的显露,现在已经空缺,消逝了。This visage, no mere veneer of vanity is a vestige of the vox populi , now vacant, vanished.

这副面孔,不只是虚华的外表,更是群众呼声的绝响,现已消失殆尽。This visage, no mere veneer of vanity, is a vestige of the vox populi, now vacant, vanished.

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这面具,不仅仅是虚华的外表,它是遗存的人民的呼声,那呼声已经渐渐变得空洞,快要消失。This visage, no mere veneer of vanity, is it vestige of the vox populi, now vacant, vanished.

这个面孔不只是虚华的外表,它是遗存的人民呼声现已空洞消亡。This visage, no mere veneer of vanity, is a vestige of the vox populi , now vacant and vanished.

只见人影一闪,跳出一个人来,正是一招无痕司空迹。Sees human one Shan and jump a person, is accurate a recruit a seamless department empty vestige.

而众多的峰丛、象形山石等为B级地质遗迹景观。Large numbers of peak clusters and pictographic rocks rank B level in geological vestige landscape.

那淡淡的蔓延开的水迹,如绣在裙衫上的暗色纹理。The water vestige that that softly spreads to open, if adorn in the dark color veins of skirt Shan.

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后来他竟然丧心病狂地杀死霍华德并毁尸灭迹。Afterwards he unexpectedly and unscrupulously kills Huo Hua virtuous and ruin corpse to put out a vestige.

我们和浪迹天涯的人相比,只是多了一个物质的外壳。We compare with wave vestige the person of the limits of the earth, just having another a material of outer shell.

他们抛掉了世代相传的家徽,抛掉一切来自旧文明,和旧君主政体的痕迹,抛掉了贵族政治和文明They throw heraldry, they throw every kind of vestige of Old World culture and monarchy and aristocracy and civilization.