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另一种方式是,在粘度计对样品进行推挤时测量。Another method used is measurement as the viscometer pushes against the sample.

利用乌氏粘度计测定以甘油和季戊四醇聚醚多元醇的特性粘度。Ubbelohde viscometer was used to measure the intrinsic viscosity of PPG samples.

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基于振荡杯法设计了一台高温液态金属粘度计。Design a high temperature molten metal viscometer based on oscillating-cup method.

本研究设计了一种具有独立陀螺锥板转子结构的新型粘度计。Herein, we present the design of a new viscometer that has an independent top cone.

这个试管是一个毛细管粘度计的组成部分,该粘度计是用来测量液体粘度的。The tube formed part of a device called a capillary viscometer used to measure viscosities.

用该粘度计对水和人体血液的测量数据进行验证。Test on distilled water and blood was performed with this viscometer to verify the measured data.

用IR及乌氏黏度计对共聚物进行了表征,同时对反应条件作了初步探讨。Using IR and Ubbelode viscometer made a preliminary probing for the token and reaction condition.

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介绍了蔡恩粘度计的构造、操作、校正及其应用。This article has described the structure, operation, calibration and application of Zahn viscometer.

倾斜所选择的锭子,将其倒到涂层的试样上并小心地附着在粘度计上。Tilt the selected spindle, slide it into the coating sample and carefully attach it to the viscometer.

用乌氏粘度计法验证经验公式,此公式具有一定的可靠性。Ubisch viscometer method used to verify the empirical formula , the formula has a certain reliability.

降低粘度计直至凹槽在定子的轴正好接触到涂料上,并重新检查其水平。Lower the viscometer until the grooves on the spindle shaft just touches the coating, and recheck the level.

在完成黏度计的设计和加工后,利用纯水和无水乙醇对毛细管黏度计的仪器常数进行了标定。After the viscometer had been fabricated, the instrument constants were determined with pure water and ethanol.

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用旋转粘度计测定液体粘滞系数是目前最为普遍采用的方法。Determination of viscous coefficient of a liquid by using rotatory viscometer is a commonly used method at present.

通过自制的双筒旋转粘度计对过共晶ZL117合金的表观粘度进行了研究。We have developed a contour rotary viscometer to investigate steady apparent viscosity of hypereutectic ZL117 alloy.

在以下时间,我将要为大伙介绍一下日本A&D公司运用正弦波振动的技术来测量粘度的方式。During this presentation, I will explain the techniques used by A&D's Sine-Wave Vibro Viscometer to measure viscosity.

设计的锥板粘度计由产生不同切变率的机械传动装置、放置血样的试样杯和锥板等装置组成。The viscometer was composed of mechanical rotating parts creating different shear rate, a sample cup and a cone plank.

结果表明,该粘度计可以用于测量血液的流变特性。The result of test shows that hemo- rheological properties can be measured with this novel rotational capillary viscometer.

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介绍了钻井液高剪切速率下粘度测试仪的工作原理、结构、特点。This paper presents the working principle, structure, characteristics of viscometer at a high shear rate of drilling fluid.

介绍了采用零切粘度和熔融指数对聚丙烯的分子量分布进行表征。In this paper, a simple method has been introduced, to measure zero shear viscosity of polypropylene with falling ball viscometer.

阐述了新型旋转毛细管粘度计测量血液流变特性的原理和方法。The principle and method of measuring hemo- rheological properties by means of a novel rotational capillary viscometer is expounded.