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这位人间的圣者!The saint on earth!

伊苏瓦尔,圣保罗。Issoire, Saint Paul.

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并非所有人都能像圣徒那样生活。Not all could saint.

有如圣者的容颜.The features of a saint.

她是像个圣徒似的死去吗?Did she die like a saint?

圣罗到皮埃尔的道路。The Saint Lo-Periers road.

埃及圣凯瑟琳地区。Saint Catherine area, Egypt.

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圣蒙哥教堂,格拉斯哥Church of Saint Mungo, Glasgow

做思想的哑巴圣徒。Be crazy dumb saint of the mind.

圣米歇尔山是个必游之地!Mont Saint Michel is a must-see!

我会成为一个冰清玉洁的圣徒。I'll be a double-distilled saint.

自然对一个圣徒来说是神圣的。Nature to a saint is sacramental.

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对一个圣徒来说,自然是神圣的。Nature to a saint is sacramental.

我生命的生命,诸圣之圣My life of life, my saint of saints

只会在那边装情伤,你以为你是情圣啊?Do you think your are feeling saint?

波特兰横街的圣约瑟教堂。Saint Joseph's church, Portland row.

莫要给他们任何!"Give them nothing! "said the saint.

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中国几乎尊他为圣人。China worships him almost as a saint.

我知道圣彼得将唤我的名。I know Saint Peter will call my name.

圣大卫是威尔士的守护神。St David is the patron saint of Wales.