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人们苦苦思索中国新诗的出路在哪里,十几年来论争不断。But the contestation has not being ended since more than ten years ago.

珍妮的头发散发着女性魅力,这是男人谈论的中心话题。Though Janie's hair exudes feminie sexuality and is a locus of contestation among the men.

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例如,我们可以说,托尼是马克思主义的争辩,认为社会因素决定了其它形式的个性。We can say, for example, that Tony is a Marxist contestation of the social determinacy of identity in other forms.

“朦胧诗”是当代诗歌研究的热点之一,同时也是不断产生论争的诗学现象。The "obscure poem" has become the focus of study in the circle of poets, and has brought about a constant point in contestation of the poetry phenomenon.

"和谐世界"与"民主联盟"在东盟问题上展开的角逐,也代表着中美两国软权力的较量。The competition on ASEAN issue between "Harmonious World" and "Democratic Concert" also reflects the contestation between China and America's soft power.

室内设计在构建个性的过程中起到重要作用。他们通过争论或逾越界定空间宣示权力和控制。Interiors play a crucial role in the construction of identity and they represent power and control through the contestation or transgression of boundaries.

在文学理论建设方面,它首先表现为“文学主体性”理论的提出及其引发的论争。The literature theories construction aspect, it expresses the contestation that causes for "the literature subjectivity" put forward of theories and it first.

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然而,在当前国家与北台区域间的对抗之下,显然空间规划活动仅能附属在政治操作的意識形态下被牺牲。However, it is apparent that the activities of spatial planning, just subsumed to the ideology of political manipulation, are sacrificed because of the contestation between state and NTUR.

如果每一次讨论都能取得进展,哪怕只是非常微小的一步,我们都将会感到莫大的欣慰和兴奋。当然,我们同样不在意什么学科、何种方法。We seek not a gathering of some magnificent scale, but honest discussions and open contestation of ideas, being thrilled by any intellectual advance that may result, no matter how small it is.

基于社会运动和组织理论,我们不仅解释了发起挑战的团体是如何动员起来以实现目标的,还解释了他们是如何将争论转变为合作的。Drawing on social movement and organizational theory, we explain how challenging parties not only mobilize to achieve their goals but how they are able to transform contestation into collaboration.

全面的民主化在另一方面来说,要求公开的讨论有关争得支配政府的权利,需要自由的竞争性选举,以及决定谁来统治的结果。Full democratization on the other hand, requires open contestation over the right to win control of the government, requiring free competitive elections, the results of which determine who governs.

正是这种,他认为的转圜,使政治社群,不只是共享标准合意的所在,更是如他所言,公正与不公之,道德争论的所在。It is precisely he believes this latitude that makes political communities not only sites of agreement over shared standards but also as he says sites of moral contestation over justice and injustice.