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打开端口80和443对外的端口。Open ports 80 and 443, outbound.

将多个出站端点链接在一起Chaining Outbound Endpoints Together

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此适配器仅支持出站模式。This adapter supports outbound mode only.

中国出境旅游网欢迎您!Welcome to China Outbound Tourism Online!

什么是入站处理和出站处理?What are inbound and outbound processing?

此方法在出站流中调用。This method gets invoked in outbound flow.

你船现在的航向离出港船太近。Your present course too close to outbound vessel.

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取回出站响应的当前时间。Retakes the current time on the outbound response.

接下来,定义流程入站和出站消息。Next, define the process inbound and outbound messages.

对于此接口,适配器仅支持出站模式。The adapter supports outbound mode only for this interface.

拨号器必须有对内与对外的运动选项进行选择。Dialer must have Inbound and Outbound campaign option to select.

理解呼入与呼出对人员性格要求的不同。Understand the differences between inbound and outbound personalities.

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您能调解入站或出站的服务、队列及主题空间。You can mediate inbound or outbound services, queues, and topic spaces.

新华社称,厦门和靳江市也取消了外飞航班。Xiamen and Jinjiang cities also cancelled outbound flights, Xinhua said.

阿尔格伦是离乡远征乘组中的一名男性高阶守备技术军官。Algrann was a male senior watch and technical officer on Outbound Flight.

各旅行社可能会相应小幅调高出境游线路价格。Travel agencies may also increase the price of influenced outbound travel.

今年国庆黄金周,全国各地出境旅游都颇为走俏。Outbound tourism is popular during the 7-day Golden Week Holiday this year.

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为处理入站和出站电子邮件的顶级安全性。Provides a top-level security for handling both Inbound and Outbound email.

流出过滤器将不会影响从本地路由器启始的讯务。Outbound filters do not affect traffic that originates from the local router.

入站和出站术语的使用是相对于所引用的产品而言。The use of inbound and outbound terms is relative to the product it refers to.